When I heard that X Ambassadors were coming to both Denver and Colorado Springs, I knew I wanted to go to one of the shows. I first thought about going to Denver because it was a smaller venue with GA. I knew that if I went to that show there was a good chance I would see them from the rail. The show in Springs was closer so would require less travel but it was a venue with all seats, no GA. I figured if I went to the Springs show that I would not have as good of a spot to see the show. After debating it I decided to go with the show that was closer, and I bought some fairly inexpensive balcony seats for $40. As the next couple of weeks went by, I was listening to their set list to become more familiar with more of their songs. Within those couple of weeks I grew to like all of the songs I heard. At this point I was a little bummed that I had balcony seats. So, I looked into VIP and bought the meet and greet with 2 tickets for the front row. I ended up offering the 2 extra tickets to my kids.
The day of the show my son wasn’t able to make it but the 3 of us headed up. When we got there, I went to the box office to pick up our tickets and was able to upgrade one of the tickets to the 3 row right behind us for only $10. I was surprised that they let me upgrade and even more surprised there was only a $10 difference. The upgrade of course wasn’t for another VIP ticket but at least we were going to be able to sit near each other for the show. I gave my daughter her tickets and she went to park while Jess and I waited to get into the VIP meet and greet. There were only about 10-15 of us in the meet and greet so it was a small group of us. After we got our signed lanyards they told us if we wanted anything signed to give it to the VIP manager and he would take care of it after the show. I didn’t have anything for them to sign so at first, I was going to have them just sign my ticket. Then I asked the VIP manager if I could buy a shirt and poster and get those signed and he said sure no problem. He said after the meet and greet I’ll sell you the merch and you can pick it up after the show. For the meet and greet we all took turns getting pictures with the band. As I walked up, I asked the singer if I could offer him a joint that I had brought and he said no thank you. But the drummer leaned over and said I could leave that joint for him with the VIP manager. Which I did end up doing later. After we got our pictures, we sat down and did a Q&A with the band that lasted about 15-20 minutes. Then they took us to the lobby where we were able to get the rest of our VIP merch and buy the other merch they had available. In our VIP package we got a signed set list, drink koozie, and a hat. We ended up buying 3 shirts one I had them sign, a hoodie, a beanie, and the poster I also had them sign (since we both got 1 thing signed). While we were getting our merch I heard him talking to the other VIP’s who bought the after party ticket. I asked him if we wanted to was there a chance would could upgrade out tickets to include the after party. He ended up asking the tour manager who said we could but it was going to cost us another grand for the 3 of us. Which wasn’t bad but I didn’t have that much to spend so we didn’t do the upgrade.
We caught the opening act Rowen Drake. He was a solo artist who played the guitar and sang. We watched maybe 2 or 3 of his songs then we went outside so I could smoke a joint. After hanging out there for a while we went in and grabbed a couple drinks and hung out in the lobby. We ended up missing the next act that played. We were just having a good time hanging out and talking so I didn’t mind. We of course made it to our seat before X Ambassadors hit the stage. The row behind us had an open seat to Lexi moved up to that one. She was still right behind us. Then as the band came out and we stood up towards the stage she moved up right next to us and stood there the rest of the night. The band came out with a lot of energy and had the crowd on their feet and singing the entire night. The band was a little stingy with throwing out picks or drumsticks. I managed to get the only played guitar pick. The only reason I got it was the singer dropped it after playing a song in front of us. At the end of the show I had to lean on the stage to grab it. I also managed to get part of the set list at the end of the show. All and all, they put on a great set, and we had a great time. At the end of the show we went to pick up our signed merch and headed home. I not only would see them again but I hope I get to see them again. If they come to Denver and Springs again there is a good chance I will attend both of those shows since they change their set list from night to night.
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