When Tool sold out their first night they decided to add a 2nd night! Being one of my top 3 bands I wanted to go to both nights. The day tickets went on sale I almost bought 2 tickets but didn’t since I wasn’t sure who would even go with me since my girlfriend wasn’t able to take the time off work. So I waited and figured I would wait until we got closer to the show to buy another ticket or two if I found someone to go with. I also had to figure out my ride situation since my truck still isn’t working right. I was able to convince my sister to come pick me up the day of the show and my dad was going to bring me back the following day. 2 days before the show I ended up asking my sister if she and her boyfriend wanted to go with me. They decided to do it and they found us tickets for less than face value. The tickets were like $100 and we only paid $60 each for them. They weren’t as good of seats as I had the night before but I was still happy just to see them again! After my sister picked me up in Pueblo and we got back to her house, we went and had a late lunch with her boyfriend and our dad. From there we headed back to her house to get ready and have a few drinks. After a few shots each and a beer we headed out to the light rail station so that no one would have to drive since we were going to be drinking all night. As soon as we hit the light rail station we had about 15 minutes to spare so we did a quick 420 clip. The ride was about 20 minutes from where we were to downtown. Once we got to downtown we started walking to the Pepsi Center. Along the way we stopped to do a few more 420 clips before we actually made it to the Pepsi Center. After we got there I friend I knew who was visiting Denver decided to come down and hang out with us for a while. We did a few more 420 clips while we were outside the Pepsi Center. Of course we continued to drink and smoke! We had decided that we were going to skip the 1st band since I had seen them the night before and again didn’t think they were that great. Since we had so much time to kill we headed over to a bar nearby so my sister could use the restroom. After a bit we decided to hang out outside of the bar and continue to drink the booze we had bought earlier. While we were standing out there the shirt guys were back and trying to sell their shirts. The first guy who walked by I told him I would give him $10 bucks and he said no way and walked away. About 15 minutes later he walked back by and I said are you ready to do the deal for $10 and he said “What size” lol! I also got that all on camera and I might post it later. As we continued to hang out my sister’s boyfriend took my Dan’s 420 Chronicles shirt and started trying to sell it to people that were passing by. He got a few people to talk to him but no one bought. While he was talking to one guy another guy who was selling Tool shirts walked up and tried to sell his shirt to the guy my sister’s boyfriend was trying to sell to. That irritated me and we decided to get back at him. So we waited for a while then as he walked up I asked him about his shirts, when he told me they were Tool shirts, I looked at him and said, What those aren’t Dan’s 420 Chronicles shirts? Then my sister’s boyfriend walked up with my shirt and started promoting it! The shirt guy was so mad I thought he was going to start a fight with us! You can see that video along with all the others including the 420 clip I did while a guy from the bar was outside throwing up!! We managed to get some great 420 clips that night so be sure to check them all out. Before we decided to head in we caught an Uber to the liquor store since we were running low and didn’t have anything we could take in with us. We shared the Uber with my friend who was visiting. The driver we had was an older gentleman and he was really cool with us. He told us all about his life and even let us turn on the rock station! We got back to the Pepsi Center with about 30 minutes before Tool was scheduled. We got in the arena and to our seats. As we sat there I asked my sister and her boyfriend to record for me since I thought that might be easier to avoid getting caught. They did agree however through the first three songs every time I looked over the camera had stopped recording. I decided to try and get the footage myself. I was able to get a few songs before security came up and told me to stop. As I look back at that night and the warning I got I’m actually not sure if they saw me recording, they might have just seen me toking and that’s what they were telling me to stop doing. In any case I did stop for a few songs then broke out the camera to get the last of the show. All in all Tool was amazing! They did a great job and even changed out one of the songs from the set list the night before. I am happy and feel very lucky to have been able to attend both night! You can see all the videos on my Dan’s 420 Tool Channel on YouTube and all the 420 clips on my main channel Dan’s 420 Chronicles also on YouTube.
Be sure to check out videos from this show and others on my YouTube channel!
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