I bought my Lumineers tickets when they first went on sale back in 2019. Then the show was postponed due to covid and this was the rescheduled date for the show. The day of the show, Jess and I headed up and planned to do what we had done the night before for the Motley Crue show. We got to Denver, grabbed a bite to eat then headed to the light rail park and ride in Aurora. We rode that to the stadium.
When we got to the stadium I was hoping there would be t-shirt guys outside selling shirts. I wanted a Lumineers shirt but I knew I didn’t want to pay 40+ bucks for it. Unfortunately we never saw anyone outside of the show selling so we didn’t end up getting any shirts. After going through security without any issues this time, we made our way to our seats. Thankfully they were on the shaded side of the field unlike the night before. We managed to catch 2 songs from Daniel Rodriguez who was the opening act. I had never heard of him before seeing him live. He was ok but not great at least from what I saw. His sound was like an alternative sound with a very slight hint of country music. Honestly it didn’t seem like anyone in our section was all that into his music.
The next artist to play was Gregory Alan Isakov. He was also ok but not great. He did engage with the crowd a little bit. However their music was really slow. I think they had 1 song that was upbeat, other than that their music really wasn’t great in my opinion. I have all the respect for an artist who gets up on stage and does what they do. However this was just an artist I had trouble getting into his music. It also might have been that I was tired from the night before from the Stadium Tour and just needed something more uplifting.
When the Lumineers came out the place was packed and everyone was on their feet dancing and singing. The band did a great job of engaging with the crowd. They had a huge stage that went around part of the pit. All the band members were walking around it, playing their instruments including the drummer. They were all dancing around and really had a lot of energy that the crowd fed into. I didn’t know a lot of the songs they sang but everyone around us did! I think in total they played 4 songs that I knew. Once they played all the songs Jess and I knew we decided to leave a little early. We were both still tired from the night before and knew we had another night to go with The Red Hot Chili Peppers the following night. Even though I didn’t know a lot of songs and we left early Jess and I had a great time!
On our way home we GPS’s our way back and it told us there was a 20 minute delay on our route but that we were still on the fastest route. By the time we got to the delay which was outside of Castle Rock the delay grew to an 1+ delay. Luckily we found another route which allowed us to bypass most of that traffic. The last thing we wanted was to have left early only to sit an extra hour in traffic.
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