I have seen The Black Keys before and they were great! So when I saw they were coming back and playing Red Rocks I knew I wanted to go. I bought my tickets the day they went on sale, which was a good thing because I heard the show sold out and resale tickets were going for $250+.
The day of the show, Jess and I headed out of town around 1 pm, hoping to be at the venue by 3:30 so that way we could avoid rush hour traffic in Denver. Once we got into Denver we stopped and grabbed a bite to eat at In and Out Burger. It was our first time eating there, and though their burgers were good, the fries were over cooked and very dry. After grabbing a bite we stopped and grabbed a few shooters to take into the show with us.
Once we got to Red Rocks it was just before 4 pm. 2 Hours before doors were set to open. We first parked in the South Lot. When we got there, there were cars already parked but only 1 person was actually in line. Jess and I went up to talk to him and some of the staff that were working. We were trying to figure out the best entrance to go in since we had general admission. We decided to make our way up to the North lot. After going in a couple of circles we found ourselves between the South and North lots with a parking spot right next to the stairs that led us into the venue. Once we parked and walked up the stairs there were already a couple people in line. They were telling us that we were at the best entrance and that a lot of people didn’t even know about it. When they opened the gates and let us in. We were just to the right of the stage which set us up great to find a spot in the planters off to the side of the seats. We were about 10 rows back from the stage with a great view.
After getting our spots and buying some merch we were all set for the opening band. They were called Ceramic Animals. I had never heard of this band before seeing them. They had a rock, country, and alternative vibe. They only played 4 songs, which was a short set. However, for the short time they were on stage, they had a lot of energy and I think warmed up the crowd really well. Though I wouldn’t go see them specifically again, I wouldn’t be disappointed if I saw them again in the future.
The next band to play was Band of Horses. I had also never heard of this band until we were outside waiting to get in and talking to a few people in line. They were telling us that they were a headlining band that had sold out several shows. So, I kind of had high expectations when they came out. Though they were good and I respect all musicians, I have to say I was a little disappointed. They just didn’t have the energy the first band did. Personally, I don’t think they kepted the vibe going that the first band set. Although a lot of people around us did seem to enjoy their set. Before they finished Jess and I had 1 of the shooters we took in. We bought 8 total (4 each) and finished them just as the Black Keys were hitting the stage. This way we had a little buzz for their set and were still able to drive home afterwards.
When the Keys hit the stage, the entire place went crazy! Though they didn’t have a ton of energy on stage either, their songs more than made up for it! They played their old and some new songs. At one point they brought out some of the band members from the first band and they did a couple songs together. They even brought Nathaniel Radcliff on stage for their 2nd to last song. That was a surprise I don’t think anyone saw coming. All and all The Black Keys did a great job. The singer engaged with the crowd a little but mostly he just played music. I certainly would go see them again and hope that I get the chance to.
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