After having to reschedule their Colorado Springs date twice, last night Steel Panther along with local recording artist Gravel put on an amazing show! However before I get into that let me back up by saying earlier in the day I got a phone call and a visit from Jay Sin to check up on me, giving me the rock star treatment once again! Those of you who follow me regularly know that 2 weeks ago I suffered from a mini stroke. Jay also knew about this and wanted to make sure I was doing well and would still be at the show, which there was no way I was going to miss.
For this show, as always, I had Jessica with me but I also had my daughter and her boyfriend with us. We ended up getting there a little later than we had expected. Doors opened at 7 and we got there just after 730. There was still a large line to get in but we didn’t stand outside for very long which was good because it was cold out there. Once we got inside the venue Jess and my daughter got in line for beers and I ran off to the bathroom. As I was walking through the crowd to get to the bathroom this girl turns and looks at me and says…”Dan?” I didn’t know who she was but I said “yea”. She tells me that she works for Sunshine Studios on their social media and she knew me from my blogs. That was kind of cool that someone recognized me but more importantly that it meant there are people out there really reading my blog. Anyway I went to the bathroom then found Jess in line for beers and joined her. At this point Gravel was already on stage. The lines for the beers were really long and I think it took us about 20-30 mins to get a couple of beers. Which is too bad as I was hoping to be closer to the stage for Gravels set and not watching them from the beer line.
Though we watched most of Gravels set from the beer line we were at least able to see their entire set. This was my 3rd time now seeing them live and this time they had pyrotechnics on stage which was a first for me seeing them or anyone at Sunshine with pyro. It was really cool and the crowd was really digging it as well. Gravels set itself, as always, they did a great job! Great stage presents, engaging with the crowd. All and all, they did a great job getting the crowd pumped and ready for Steel Panther.
By the time Gravel finished their set we had managed to work our way through the crowd about halfway up to the stage. Once they finished and the lights came on I saw some friends that I knew on the rail. I told everyone with me to hold on we were moving to the front. I worked my way through the crowd up to my friends. Turned out there were even more people I knew up on the rail from previous shows. After catching up with everyone we knew on the rail it seemed like time moved really quickly and before you knew it Steel Panther was coming out on stage.
I have seen Steel Panther a few times and they have always been entertaining. This was no exception, they came out and were super pumped and had the crowd hyped. They apologized for having to reschedule a few times. Though I had seen them a few times before this was my first time seeing them without their Bassist Lexxi Fox. In replace of Lexxi they had temporary bassist Rikki Dazzle who I understand may or may not be the permanent replacement. Rikki had some big shoes to fill by replacing Lexxi. Personally I think he did a good job but he certainly wasn’t Lexxi. I’m sure as more time goes on and if he becomes the permanent replacement he will adjust, feel more comfortable and fill that spot just fine. As far as the rest of the band, they were their usual selves. They put on a great set, they even picked on Jess and I a few times which you have to expect at a Steel Panther show. I would of course see them again and probably will in the future. One other thing to mention about their set, it was cool to see the guys of Gravel on the side of the stage rocking out to Steel Panthers set. Michael Starr even invited Jay Sin from Gravel on stage at one point to sing with him (footage of that is on my Facebook, Twitter and Instagram). I should also mention that I managed to get a pick and the set list! My daughter also got a pick and a set list.
After the show we stuck around for a few minutes to see Troy and Jay Sin from Gravel since we didn’t get to talk to them before the show. We only hung out for a few minutes mostly just to say hi and thank Jay again for checking in on me earlier in the day. He was pretty excited as he mentioned he knew Steel Panthers lead singer Michael Starr but hadn’t seen him in over 20 years. They used to work together back in the day in another band called Atomic Punks.
The night as a whole was great and I am not only glad to have seen Gravel and Steel Panther but glad Jess, my daughter and her boyfriend were there with me!
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