Slipknot is easily in my top 10 bands and much closer to top 5 so when I heard they were coming to the Springs I knew I wanted to go. I just saw them at Rockville back in November which was a great set but a short set. So I was excited to see them doing their own tour and a full set. When I heard they were coming with Cypress Hill I was even more excited. I saw Cypress Hill the first time last year in September back at the Blue Ridge Rock Fest. I know a handful of their songs but never saw them live until then. They were very entertaining so I was also excited to see them again. The opening band Ho99o9 pronounced Horror, I had never heard of before but it didn’t matter. I was still excited to see the other 2 bands.
The day of the concert, Jess and I headed up to the Springs around 10:30 am and got to the Springs around 11:30 so we decided to grab a bite to eat for lunch since we knew we probably wouldn’t eat again until after the show. After we got some food we stopped to grab a few shooters and we headed to the venue. By this time it was right around noon and though there were people there they hadn’t set up the parking lot toll booths yet. Because of that we were able to drive right in and not have to pay which was kind of nice that saved us $10.
After we parked we headed to the box office to pick up our tickets and asked if there was a chance to upgrade to early entrance. I knew it didn’t matter what time I got there. Without that early entrance it was going to be tough to get in after all the VIP’s and hope to find a spot on the rail which was our goal as always. Unfortunately we were told the entire show including all VIP was sold out so there was no way to upgrade. After getting our tickets we went and got in line where there was only 1 other person there before us. We ended up making friends with him and a dad and daughter who came shortly after them. Knowing that we all wanted to be on the rail and had to deal with the vip early entrance people we strategized to maximize our chances. Since there were 3 entrances we split up and covered 2 of them. Each entrance had 4 lines to get in so we also got in separate lines. The plan was whoever got there first would help hold spots for the others. Once they opened the doors everyone moved quickly and though us and the other people we made friends with got on the rail. We didn’t get to stand next to each other. Jess and I of course were next to each other and I think we had a great spot just off center to the left. Since I am still healing from my neck surgery we thought this might be a safer place than being right in the center.
The first band that came out was Ho99o9. I had never heard of them before and while we were in line a lot of people were saying they weren’t that good. So I had low expectations. However they were actually pretty good live. They had a lot of energy and their music was heavy. Not sure I will go out and buy their album but they were a good opening band. I think over all the crowd at least everyone around us enjoyed their set. Then Cypress Hill’s DJ came out and was playing some songs from other bands on his turn table and getting the crowd hyped up. He must have played 4 or 5 songs before the rest of the band members came out to join him. Sen Dog was sick so he didn’t play with the rest of the band that night. However even without him, the band still did a great job. B-Real the other singer had a huge joint he smoked throughout the show. I think all the members on stage were smoking the entire time they played. Not only was the band smoking the entire time but so was most of the crowd, me included! I think that Slipknot hit the stage right around 9pm. They came out with so much energy as always. The crowd was pumped and the pushing and moshing started immediately. Where we were it wasn’t too bad but we were still getting pushed around . I think that pushing got pushed a little more towards the center of the stage. Throughout the night we had a great view from the rail. Slipknot played some new and old songs. At one point Corey stopped the show to check on someone in the pit. He was also very engaging with the crowd all night. At the end of the night they did come back out and play 2 more songs for their encore. Jess and I managed to get a few guitar and 1 bass pick from the band. As always, I thought Slipknot did an amazing job and I know I am looking forward to seeing them again later this year at Blue Ridge.
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