Even though Guns N’ Roses is my all time favorite band, I only know the radio songs from Slash’s solo project (Slashes Snake Pit) as well as the ones with Myles Kennedy and the Conspirators. When they announced this tour was coming through Denver I thought that it would be cool to see him and check out more of his work outside of Guns N’ Roses. The week the tickets were going on sale the local radio station was giving away tickets before you could buy them. They gave out a handful to their listeners and one of the winners was me! As we got closer to the concert I think towards the end of January, I still hadn’t received my tickets so I reached out to the radio station and they told me they were still waiting on the tickets but they had my info and would get them out as soon as they had them. The week of the concert I still hadn’t received my tickets so 2 days before the show I reached out to the radio station again. I didn’t hear back from them until before the show and I was first told all those tickets were sent out so I should have already got them, which I didn’t. Thankfully the radio station got back to me later that day saying tickets were about to go out right then, which they did end up doing. By the way, thank you again Kilo 943 for the tickets!
The day of the concert it had been snowing on and off all day as well as the day before. It was expected to snow through the drive up and then again for the drive back home which is about 2 hours away from Denver. We left in plenty of time so we weren’t rushed and in case the roads and traffic were bad. It snowed on and off the entire ride up but the roads were pretty clear and traffic wasn’t bad so we made it to Denver in just over 2 hours. I had never been to The Paramount which was the venue he was playing and didn’t realize it was located in the 16th Street Mall. We were lucky to have found metered parking about 2 blocks away which was nice. As we walked up to the venue they were handing out masks since they were required inside the venue. They also required proof of vaccination or a negative covid test within 72 hours. We got through the covid line in about 2 mins and then through security it was just a couple more minutes. They were really efficient in getting people through everything and inside. Once inside we grabbed a drink and found our seats which were located on the balcony level. We were about 5 rows from the last row. Although there wasn’t a bad seat in that place. We had a great view of the stage and band. I was surprised to see that the section we were sitting in didn’t fill up but it was nice to have a little space from other people.
Dead Sara was supposed to open the show but there was no opening band, just Slash and Myles Kennedy and the Conspirators. I found out later that Dead Sara got stuck somewhere due to the snow and that’s why there was no opening band. Slash and the rest of the guys hit the stage around 8:45 and played a long set with over 20 songs. They of course played all the songs that I knew including their newest radio song The River Is Rising. Though there were a lot of songs that I didn’t know, most of the time I was in awe of Slash and watching him play. Song after song he was playing some killer riffs! After seeing him last night I am more curious to listen to more of his music! The man is just amazing in my opinion! Of course Myles Kennedy and the Conspirators were also great! The bassist also sang one of the songs, I think it was Doctor Alibi, I thought he did a great job, lots of energy, everyone all night had tons of energy. Jess heard someone after the show saying they wish Myles had a bigger stage presence. I thought he did a good job, keep in mind it was Slash Featuring Myles so of course Slash had the bigger stage presence last night but again I think Myles did a good job. The only thing I was sad about was not being closer and being able to get another pick from Slash. I only have 1 in my collection and it would have been nice to add another, maybe next time he comes through town. All and all I had a great time and was glad to spend that time with Jess!
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