Jess and I have seen Skillet several times and we have seen Theory of a Deadman at least once or twice. We initially got these tickets so that Jess could see St. Asonia and so that we could take the kids since they all like Skillet and Theory of a Deadman. The week before the concert, the local radio station was giving away VIP meet and greet pass. This included tickets to the show for you and a guest and you got to meet all 3 bands. Since Jess is a huge Three Days Grace fan and the singer of St. Asonia was the original singer we tried to win tickets. They did the give away all day, 1 set of passes per DJ’s shift so in total they only gave away 4 of these passes. I tried all day and on the last DJ’s shift when they told us to call both Jess and I started calling. At one point both of our phones were ringing and all the sudden they picked up and Jess had won!
The day of the show Jess had messaged the radio station to see if there was any way we could bring the kids with us. They told her it would be up to management so they would have to let us know. When we got to the venue, we were the first ones there for the radio station VIP. Shortly After one of the DJ’s arrived. As we were standing out there waiting for the others to show up it almost seemed no one else was going to show up. That day it had snowed a lot so there was a question as to if they would show up or not. While we continued to wait for them to take us inside, I asked the DJ about the kids again. She said she would ask but there were no promises which I completely understood. I actually thought it was a very slim chance they were going to let them come with us. When the band manager came out, she did ask him and he was like yea of course, we don’t want any kids sitting in cars waiting. Though the kids were in the car waiting they had the keys, and it was running so they were warm. They also had their electronics and were content. But since he said they could come I went and grabbed them so they could come in with us. Once they let us in, they took us to a lower level floor in this room where we stood for at least 45 minutes. Then St. Asonia came in and we all took turns getting our pictures with them. There were only 4 groups of us so that went quickly. Then we were back to waiting. I think it was at another 20 minutes when they brought Theory of a Deadman in, and we got to take our pictures with them as well. For their meet and greet they had more people than just us radio station winners so that took a while to get through everyone. After that it was Skillet, and we pretty much did the same thing. One at a time we took our pictures with them. The overall experience was cool. The kids had fun meeting the bands, 2 of them made mention of my vest and the patches which was cool, and Jess got to meet the singer from At Asonia. The only bummer about the meet and greet was we didn’t get anything other than our pictures. We were supposed to get a beanie, a patch and a couple drum sticks but the radio DJ said she didn’t know where they were. Not a big deal but still a bummer. After the meet and greet they took us upstairs back to the main level where we were allowed to buy merch before they opened the doors. After grabbing some merch and drinks we grabbed out seats. While we were sitting there some friends came by to say Hi. We had seen their girlfriends before we sat down. We actually ran into several people that we knew at that show.
The first band to play was St Asonia. They opened with a song I didn’t know but after that they played one of their radio songs then he went on to play some old Three Days Grace songs. Then he went back to his stuff, and it was another one of their radio songs. I knew most of the songs he played for their set. I also thought he did a great job of mixing it up and getting the crowd involved and pumped up. They certainly are a band I would go see again.
Theory of a Deadman also did a good job of keeping the crowd pumped up. They opened with one of their new radio songs Medusa. They also played a lot of their well-known songs as well as a few cover songs. They even did part of Guns N’ Roses Paradise City. They of course closed with Bad Girlfriend which was cool. Like I said I have seen them before, and they usually put on a great set which they did again that night.
Skillet, what can I say. They of course did a great job of closing out the night. They played a lot of their old hits and a couple of their new songs. They even had Adam the singer from St. Asonia come out and sing with them for one of their songs called Finish Line. Adam had also come out during Theory of a Deadman, but he just stood off stage and watched their set. Skillet all and all was great though. After they played Monster, I told Jess and the kids to follow me as we made our way down to the floor. After Monster a lot of people started leaving and security wasn’t paying attention. We just walked right down. We got pretty close for the last 2 songs they played. We even managed to get a guitar pick and set list. I’m sure this won’t be the last time I see Skillet. I will say It was a fun night with the family we even managed to get a picture with several of the radio DJ’s.
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