I have never seen the original members of Skid Row but I was excited to see Sebastian Bach from Skid Row and to have them play their first album in its entirety! I was also hoping they would play some songs from their Salve to the Grind Album, and they did! The show was at the Jefferson County Fair Grounds in Golden CO which I had been to once before to see Freedom Fest. Since I was having car issues all week I decided to rent a car because we were traveling pretty far and I didn’t want to get stranded anywhere along the way going there or coming back. I had reserved a compact car and when we went to pick it up we got a free upgrade to an SUV. It was nice and roomy so I really appreciated that. Unfortunately, since it was a rental car I couldn’t smoke in the car, which made me want to get there that much more quickly. The drive was long as usual due to all the construction they have going on but I felt like we still made really good time! Once we got to Golden we stopped off to have lunch before heading to the fair grounds. Even after having lunch we got to the fair early as we usually do and I went to the same place I went before where they had the Freedom Fest show and they were having some other event going on. We ended up having to go up a few more blocks to the back side of the fair which I had never seen before. We were the first to arrive so we walked around a little and checked things out then I shot my first 420 clip in front of the Sebastian Bach sign! After that we grabbed our stuff from the car and headed to the Event Center to get in line or start the line. While we were standing there people were coming in and out of the building and one guy who came out started talking to us, turns out I saw him play at Freedom Fest! I believe the name of his band was Roar, I didn’t get any videos of his band that day sadly. However I asked if he would do a video with me while I was smoking a bowl which he did! You of course can see that on my YouTube channel. I also got to meet one of the show’s producers that day which was cool, he was telling me about the night before when Drowning Pool played (which I didn’t know about or I would have gone). As we stood in line we ended up doing another 420 clip during the sound check which I also posted on my channel. It was probably 2 hours before anyone else came and started lining up and once they did the line grew pretty quickly. We ran in to a few people that we had both seen at other shows including a lady in a wheel chair. The cool thing was she ended up right next to us front and center stage. We had low level VIP tickets which didn’t include a meet and greet but gave us front of the stage access. So we were right up front and just off center which is where I prefer to be. As we got to our spot, the opening band was still doing a sound check. Which at the time I had no idea they were doing a sound check, I thought it was like an opening opener band. Turns out there were only 2 bands playing that night the band we watch do the sound check and Bach. Once they finished and as people started to fill in, I saw I guy I recognized from another show, and he was a the band I saw before. His name was Rick and he is in a cover band called Cirkus and they opened for Warrant. We started talking and exchanged business cards and I even got a picture taken with him. It seemed like we waited for a few hours so at one point I headed outside to smoke and go to the bathroom. While I was out there you could see smoke pouring out of one of the porta pottys. It was obvious someone was in there smoking weed! The crowd outside was laughing and making comments. The funny thing about that is the week before at Ghost I almost did a 420 porta potty clip. Wish I had done it before I saw him doing it, I recorded a video and the singer who was talking to me earlier in line came up and asked me to post it to their Facebook page, which was pretty cool. Once I got back inside, we still waited for about 40 minutes before the opening band came out. They were Kobra and the Lotus. I had never heard of them before but they were really good. I think they played like 10 songs, at first I wasn’t going to record any of their set but after the first song I decided to do all the others. During their set the guy from Cirkus who was standing behind us passed me a joint he was smoking which was cool. After their set I headed back outside to smoke and that time there were 2 porta potties that were smoking with people inside them getting high! Everyone outside was laughing and getting a real kick out of it! I might still have to do this at an up coming show and post videos on my YouTube channel. I think it was around 9:30 when Sebastian Bach hit the stage and the crowd was ready! He came out pumped, and of course played their first album and a few of their other hits off Slave to the Grind. Throughout the show he was really engaged with the crowd, he told lots of stories and gave tribute to several people including the singer Ric Ocasek from the Cars. He even had a record player on stage and flipped the album when it was time to play songs from that side of the album. All in all the show was great, I managed to get several 420 clips throughout their set. At one point my girlfriend said that security and the guy who was putting on the show saw me and were laughing! I am glad they found it funny and didn’t hassle us at all. I am so glad I got to see this show, I was also able to get a pick from both bands and the set list from Kobra and the Lotus.
Be sure to check out videos from this show and others on my YouTube channel!
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