After my last experience trying to see Puddle of Mudd I was pretty excited to see they were coming back and that I was going to have another chance to see them. If you read my review of the last show you saw I had way too much to drink and was kicked out for smoking weed inside. Though at that show I managed to get back in and to the front I blacked out and don’t remember any of the set from Puddle of Mudd. I had originally planned on going with me and just my girlfriend. So as usual that day we headed up to Denver early so that we could get in line and make sure we got a great spot. I think we got to Golden around 2:30 and there was no one there, we were first in line! So we grabbed some lunch, hit the liquor store and grabbed our spots in the front of the line. After we finished eating our lunch to kill some time I did a few 420 clips. Then not long after that I talked to my sister and convinced her and her boyfriend to come and join us. They had to make some arrangements but planned to meet us inside after the doors opened. It wasn’t until about 2 hours before the doors opened that anyone else came and got in line. It was a young couple and as soon as they walked up they said weren’t you at Korn? I guess they were literally right next to us on the rail at that show. After they mentioned that I did recognize them as well. It wasn’t more than 15 minutes later that someone else walked up and said, hey weren’t you at the last Puddle of Mudd show? It was another guy who recognized me from that show and had also been on the rail with us. I remember him as we were smoking his wax pen and drinking something he brought in, which is probably another reason I got so wasted the first time I saw Puddle of Mudd. It was kind of funny because on the drive up I was asking my girlfriend if she thought we would see anyone we knew at the show and funny that the first 2 people right off the bat were people we knew. About an hour and half before the doors opened my girlfriend and I started to have some drinks. We bought a bottle of Fire Ball and schnapps. We started with the Fire Ball and before we got inside the show we finished that bottle off between the 2 of us. I snuck the other bottle in to drink during the show since prices at these venues are so expensive. As soon as the doors opened we moved quickly as always to get our spot right up front on the rail. We also wanted to hold some extra space since my sister and her boyfriend were on their way so they could get right up next to us. After standing there for a few minutes someone walked up behind me and said hey its Dan! It was another person I knew from going to a lot of these shows. He ended up on the end on the rail next to us with the couple from Korn on the other side of me I knew we had the rail secured. My sister and her boyfriend didn’t get there and inside until the first band was pretty much done playing. However once they walked in we got them right up on the rail next to us as we had planned. We all took a few shots as they had brought a bottle of Captain Morgan’s Spiced Rum. After that my sister and girlfriend went off to look at shirts, which my girlfriend bought 2 of one for each of us. The first band which I can’t remember their name even though I think one of the member says it in my video I posted on YouTube. I met him and another band member later that night outside of the show and we did a few clips together. Those are already posted on my YouTube channel and can be seen now. Once the 3rd band hit the stage we had finished all the boozed we had brought inside with us. Since we were able to go in and out of the venue to smoke while I was out there I tried looking for a close liquor store but all of them closed at 8 pm in the area. So I headed back in and while we watched the last band before Puddle of Mudd we had a few more drinks that we bought inside. The price of the beers were like $13 bucks each after having two a piece between me, my girlfriend, my sister and her boyfriend we spend $100! Needless to say we all had quite a bit to drink that night. As Puddle of Mudd hit the stage I think there were two or three songs maybe four when I noticed my sister and her boyfriend weren’t standing next to us and my other friend Chad was standing next to me. We closed the gap between us with a little space in case my sister was coming back, which I assumed she was. Shortly after that from what I remember this couple that was standing behind us starting to try pushing their way up and trying to get between us on the rail. Neither Chad or I were going to let them do that. Next thing I know they are both scratching me, pulling my hair and I must have pushed them back pretty good. I remember holding my ground but don’t remember exactly what I did to either of them. After that they disappeared and maybe two songs later security walks up to me and says they need to talk to me. They pulled me out of the crowd and told me that I was being asked to leave. I told them it was them, they started that. I tried to explain what reason would I have to fight with someone who is behind me unless they are doing something to me. He said he didn’t care and I had to leave. So I went outside and left my girlfriend inside to finish watching the concert. While I was outside I was talking to several people including people who saw what had happened and they were all telling me how that was messed up I was kicked out too. Seemed like everyone was on my side and one guy says, well you were a little aggressive towards them, I was like are you kidding me? If you put your hands on me, expect me to do the same back to you! No one there backed him up and everyone seemed to side with me. While I was outside I did a few more 420 clips, with some of the other people that were standing outside in line with us that I got to know. Then band members from the other bands started coming out so I was talking to them and even got a 420 clip with one of them, which again is already posted on my YouTube channel. I must have stood outside for close to an hour before the show ended and my girlfriend came out. When she walked out she asked if I had the shirts and I said that I had one but left one inside with her. She raced back in to see if she could find them along with her hoodie that was left inside. While I was waiting for her to come back out, Chad walked up to me and was showing me the scratches on his arm from that couple that was trying to squeeze in on us. As we were talking more people walked up to me saying how I wasn’t in the wrong and shouldn’t have been kicked out. Needless to say it was what it was and there was nothing I was going to be able to do about it at that point. When my girlfriend came back out she said she couldn’t find the shirt or hoodie but that the shirt guys gave her another one, which was nice of them. Well turns out that my sister when she left grabbed both the shirt and hoodie so we ended up with an extra shirt, which was the least they could do after kicking me out for defending myself. Anyway the bands I saw were all really good I wouldn’t mind seeing them again as openers. From what I saw of Puddle of Mudd they were great but the sound system sucked! You couldn’t hear Wes singing at all! I know the crowd up front mentioned it to them a few times and I guess it is the way the sound system is set up there. If you are close its bad but the further away you are the better at least that is what I was told. So needless to say I didn’t see them again, after going to see them twice this year. Who knows maybe the next time they come around I will give it another go around. I did manage to record several songs and get 420 clips during Puddle of Mudd but until I can find a better place besides YouTube I won’t be sharing those except the 420 clips which I did post on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Be sure to check out videos from this show and others on my YouTube channel!
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Twitter: @dan_chronicles
Instagram: Dan’s 420 Chronicles