I only found out about a month before Puddle of Mudd was coming to Colorado Springs that they were coming. I debated on if I was going to go or not and it wasn’t until the week or what I thought was the week of the concert that I made the decision to go. The date they were scheduled to come was 11/5/21 but for some reason I thought they were coming the week before. Needless to say Friday 10/29/21 we bought our tickets and as soon as Jess got off work we headed up to the venue. When we got there we were the first ones there so we got in line. A few minutes later a couple of other people came and got in line behind us. As we were standing there I had this Puddle Of Mudd shirt on and one of the workers there asked if I was coming back the following week to see Puddle Of Mudd. I was like next week? I thought they were tonight, clearly I was wrong so we drove home. The following week we did it all over again and after Jess got off work we headed up to the venue and when we got there we were first in line once again. I saw the same worker from the week before and told him I’m back, for the correct night this time. I mentioned that we were the only ones in line to start, the only other people that were there were the 3 local bands that were playing that night. It was kind of funny because they were all standing in their own little groups but it was cool. I talked to a few of them when we first got there. As people started to line up behind us and we got closer to the doors opening, we saw some of the band members from Gravel there. Gravels temporary singer I think his name is Cody was there but with another band. This Gravel band members were there to help support him which was cool. At one point the one of the guitarist, Troy from Gravel came over and started talking to us and just hanging out. Then the other guitarist who goes by The Kid, came over and was chilling for a minute with us. We ended up seeing him again once we got inside, he came up to the rail and took a picture with Jess and I.
The first band we saw was called Burning the Fields, they were clearly 420 friendly as you could see from their pot leaf logo. Their whole set was based on a story they told about their “Bad Drummer” and the things he done like eating his cat, murdering some women and in the end going to church and confessing. There were also some songs about him losing his lighter which is a pot smokers constant struggle. For an opening band they did a really good job of getting the crowd warmed up. I think their story line set was different and cool, for those who didn’t know their songs, like me, it kept us engaged with their music. At the end of the night as we were walking out one of the Band members got Jess’s attention and thanked us for coming to see them and being into their set. I was able to get a picture with all of them which was also cool. Had I thought about it I would have asked them to come outside to smoke a bowl and do a video clip for my YouTube channel. Maybe next time if I get to see them live again.
The next band that was up was called, PsychoBilly. They played some original songs were which were good but they also did a lot of cover songs. They played Hard To Handle by the Black Crows, Cant Get Enough from Bad Company. I thought they did a pretty good job of doing those songs and the crowd was into most of their cover songs as we including me sang along. At the end of their set their drummer handed out his drum sticks and he gave me one of them.
The band that played next was called the Pretty Vague Band, and this was the band that Cody the Gravel singer was a part of. They were a large band with 2 lead singers who switched off back and forth and Cody also provided a lot of vocals for some of the songs. They did some cover songs like Bring Me to Life by Evanescence and Anything by Buckcherry. During their cover Anything the singer was dancing and engaging with the crowd. He saw me singing along with him and at one point he put the microphone down so that I could sing into it. That was pretty cool! Their main male singer was always engaging the crowd. When they first came out he walked by and shook hands with everyone on the rail. He ended up doing that a few times. Their band had a lot of energy and really had the crowd pumped, there were mosh pits breaking out behind us. I thought they did a really good job and would certainly be happy to see them live again. At one point Cody took off his Puddle of Mudd shirt off and threw it into the crowd. The girl singer in the band also threw out a Puddle of Mudd shirt at the end of their set. I didn’t get either shirt but I did manage to get a broken drum stick and guitar pick.
By the time the local bands played the crowd was pumped and ready for Puddle of Mudd to hit the stage. They came out with Control which turned into War Pigs then back to Control which was cool and I thought had the crowd going good. After that song it was kind of like they started losing momentum. The bassist was dancing all over the place, however the lead singer Wes was not engaging with the crowd very much. He only talked to the crowd I think once and that was towards the end of their set. Even during his songs he was singing and it was like he was staring at the back wall not looking at the crowd at all. Almost like he was nervous but hard to believe someone like him who has been doing this for as long as he has would have those types of issues. Needless to say the crowd really mellowed out after that first song. Don’t get me wrong the crowd was still singing but there was no jumping or mosh pits. It was just a different atmosphere at that point. They of course played all their hits basically played all the songs I knew and then some I didn’t. I think Jess said she knew all but one of them. At the very end he threw his guitar pick out into the crowd. A couple of us on the rail were asking for a pick so Wes walked to his amp and grabbed a handful. He walked up and handed them out to a few people. I was one of the ones who got handed a pick from him. After they walked off the stage everyone was looking to see how they could get the set lists. As they were doing that Jess tells me to just walk around the barrier and grab one, so I did. While I was back there I grabbed the other set list and handed it out to some random person out in the crowd.
For this being my 3rd time seeing them but really my first time actually seeing them, I think they did alright. If you haven’t read those other Puddle of Mudd Reviews I did, check them out and see why I missed their sets before. All and all I had a good time and would see them again along with all the other bands that played that night.
Be sure to check out videos from this show and others on my YouTube channel!
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