This was an unexpected show. I honestly didn’t even know they were coming in concert. The week before the show I had won concert tickets to see Beartooth and I posted that on social media. A friend of mine who works at the Fillmore asked if I wanted to see Porno For Pyros for basically free. Of course I was interested! He tells me that he was going to be working that night, but he had a code for friends and family to buy tickets for a price that was hard to pass up. I won’t post how much but let’s just say that I ended up buying 8 tickets, the maximum I could get. I figured this was a great opportunity to take all the kids to a show (Jess’s and mine). That would still leave us with 2 extra tickets. I figured I would offer them to all of our friends and whoever wanted them and took them first could have them. I reached out to several people and most told me they would get back to me. I ended up having someone claim the 2 extra tickets I had. Then I had someone else get back to me asking if I still had tickets which at the moment, I didn’t. That friend decided to buy a ticket anyway from the venue since tickets were fairly inexpensive even without the discount.
The day of the show, the couple who took the 2 extra tickets asked if I had any others because they wanted to bring their grandchild. I told them I didn’t because at that point all the tickets had been accounted for. Then my daughter decided she wasn’t going to go, which gave me an extra ticket. I told the couple they could have the extra ticket since I didn’t want it to go to waste. So, we seemed to be all set. We left town early and after we got to Denver and were about 5 miles away from the venue, Jess asked if this was a 16 and older show. I told her I didn’t know but even if it was, I thought the kids would be allowed to attend with a parent or guardian. After looking at the web site and talking to my friend who works there, we were told they wouldn’t be allowed to attend since they are all under 16. So, we had to scramble. I called the other couple to let them know so they didn’t get all the way to Denver to just have to turn around. They were coming from Colorado Springs, not as far as we came but still a long way to just have to turn around. I then called my dad and asked if he could watch the kids. He told me he couldn’t but my sister who was with him said he would! Talk about a life saver. It was a shame we couldn’t take the kids with us but in all honestly it was a band they didn’t know and I’m sure they had more fun hanging out with their cousins. After dropping them off Jess and I headed to the venue.
When we got there, I went and got in line while Jess finished her make-up then went to get us some food. When I walked up there were only 3 people in line in front of me. I was kind of surprised but then again, I kind of wasn’t. Needless to say, I was happy we seemed to have a good spot and a good chance of getting on the rail. While I was standing in line, I saw another friend of ours who came and got in line with me. Then shortly after that another one of our friends showed up and got in line with us as well. As we stood there, I did try to sell my extra 6 tickets as I hated to see them go to waste. I was offering them for $5 each. The guy who was in front of us was having trouble getting his ticket to load so he told me he would pay $5 for one of my extra tickets. Once they opened the doors and we got through security we made our way right up to the front, we got a great spot on the rail just a little off center to the right. As we stood there my friend who was working security came and hung out with us. It was then he told me the opening band was Tiger Cub. I didn’t know that up until that point. I have to say that was a nice surprise. I only know 1 song, but I had also just saw them last year at Aftershock and they put on a great set.
Tiger Cub hit the stage and they had some good energy. They put on a great set and at one point the singer was even taking questions from the crowd. He was very engaging. The crowd really seemed to be into their set. People were singing and dancing, but it was still fairly mellow. No one was pushing or moshing, just jumping in their spots and singing. Like I said I only knew one song but I was feeling the energy. At the end of their set, I asked for the set list and the singer grabbed it and jumped off stage to hand it to me. I asked him if I could also get a picture with him, and he said sure. We chatted for a min after that, we talked about the Aftershock show. It was pretty cool! After their set was over some of our other friends who saw us up front came and joined us.
There was just the one opening band, shortly after tearing down their set and getting things ready for Porno for Pyros, they hit the stage just a little after 9. They brought a totally different vibe, not a better or worse vibe just different. Perry the singer just had more of a chill type of vibe going on. The band was definitely jamming though! The bass player had to be helped out as he was walking with a cane. He sat down the entire time, but he was rocking hard and put out a lot of energy! Same with the guitarist, drummer and even the backup singer. The crowd was really into it but for the most part everyone was just chill. There was no moshing, people crowding us. In fact, Jess left a couple of times and each time she said people were more than happy to help her get back to her spot. There was even one point where I got someone behind us to take a group picture of us with the band in the back ground. Everyone around us moved and allowed us to get that picture which was cool, I’ve always gotten pics of Jess and I with the band in the background but never a group shot like we did on this night. Like I said the crowd was pretty chill the whole night. I think it was the 2nd to last song the crowd started moshing a little behind us. It wasn’t anything crazy but it was a little strange to see them doing it to this type of music and most of them moshing were certainly on the older side. But good for them, living their best lives! We all had a great time and at the end of the set I managed to also get their set list. I was hoping for a pick but still happy to get the set list. This was supposedly their last tour but if they were to ever come again, I would certainly go see them again.
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