This was a show I was excited for! I had never seen any of these bands but knew several songs from both Bush and Live and even a couple from Our Lady Peace. I figured there was going to be a line there and that people would line up early for this one so I wanted to get there before the crowd to get a good spot in line. However the day was off to a rough start, I decided to have some drinks the night before and was up pretty late so when I got up to start my day I was feeling a little hung over. However knowing that I wanted to get a good spot I got my girlfriend and we headed out around 10:30 am and after making a few stops we got to the Fillmore in Denver around 1 pm. There was already people in line, however luckily it was just two couples which made us the third couple in line! It was a hot afternoon with temperatures reaching around 95 degrees. We were lucky enough to have shade for most of the time we were in line but it was still hot in the shade. This was the most prepared I had actually been going to a show and waiting in line. We took chairs and a cooler so we could have some waters or other cold drinks, which really came in handy. Shortly after being there a few other people started to line up behind us which means we had got there just in time! While we were sitting there, we as always made some new friends with the people we were standing in line with. While in line waiting I went live on Facebook while I was taking a few tokes! I shared with the people in line next to us and in return the guy in front of us shared some of his beers with us. He had some sour beer (Brooklyn Bel Air Sour), to be honest it was pretty nasty but from what I heard it’s the new trend going on with beer drinkers. It was interesting to try but I certainly would never buy it for myself or really want to drink it again if given the choice! As we got closer to getting in I took all our stuff like the chairs back to the truck so we were ready to enter once they opened the doors. Just before they did open the doors they walked around and told everyone that they were getting a lot of heat from the fire department from people smoking inside the building and that anyone caught doing it would be removed immediately. This included cigarettes, vapes and weed, however they said there was an outside smoking section which you could smoke anything you wanted including weed. Once they opened the gates I was the first person through security as there were 4 lanes enough for all of us in front to go through at the same time. However this show had a VIP meet and greet which also included an early entrance so even though I was first through the door there were already people inside and taking up all the rail space. I decided to stand off to the left as it seemed to be the best spot closest to the stage and there was only 1 person in front of us. We ended up next to the guy and his girlfriend who were just in front of us, the couple who gave us the beer. The girlfriend had a VIP so she was against the rail and we were pretty much behind her and him since she let him squeeze in next to her. As we were standing there waiting for the first band to come out another couple standing next to us said they had recognized me from a few shows recently including Candlebox. Ended up making friends with them and these two sisters who were also right next to us. We had a pretty good group of people around us and we all had each other’s back to make sure no one tried pushing in front of us. When Our Lady Peace came out the crowd was ready and it seemed liked a lot of people knew their songs as I had only known 2 songs prior to listening to the set list the week before. I thought the band did a great job, I think they played 6 songs total and did a great job getting everyone ready for Bush who was next to come out. Between Our Lady Peace and Bush, one of the sisters and I decided to leave the crowd and hit the restrooms and get another drink. As we made our way out the crowd was pretty thick and I knew it was going to be a fight to get back in to our spots. However this is something I enjoy doing, maneuvering through big groups. Anyway after we got our drinks and hit the restroom we head back. I was prepared to lead us back through as I am usually the one who does that, however she just took the lead and started pushing her way through so I followed. As we made our way through people of course were upset thinking we were trying to cut in front of them. Needless to say we made it back to our spot and in enough time that we didn’t miss any of the Bush set. At this point the place was definitely packed and space was tight. When Bush came out the crowd went crazy!! They opened with Machinehead and played every one of their top hits including Everything Zen, Come down, Little Things, Chemicals between Us and several others including a new song off their new album “Bullet Holes”. During his song Little Things the lead singer Gavin Rossdale come out and walked throughout the crowd and engaged with the people in the balcony and the people on the floor, in fact he walked right by us as he made his way back to the stage. I would have to say that by the time they finished everyone in the place was pumped and ready for Live to come out. It didn’t seem like it took them long to get Bush’s equipment off the stage and Live’s instruments out and ready to go. When they came out on to the stage everyone there was just into the music. They not only played all their top hits but they also did a few cover songs which included Losing my Religion by REM and Paint it Black by the Rolling Stones. They did a great job on both of those songs as well as their own material. They ended their set with Lighting Crashes which was a great way to end the night! Though I think all the bands did a great job I would have to say that I think Bush was the best performance of the night followed by Live then Our Lady Peace. Sadly none of the bands really threw anything like picks or drum sticks out to the crowd which was a little disappointing since more recent shows like Candlebox, Shinedown and a few other the bands literally throw handfuls of picks and things out to the crowd. At the very end I hung around for a few minutes as did a few other people. As the roadies were cleaning up the stage we were all asking for the sets lists that were still sitting on stage and for the most part everyone ignored us. Until one guy started grabbing them and handed them out. I was lucky enough to be one of the people who got one of the lists! I am glad that I got to see all three of these bands and given the chance I would go see any of them again if they were heading their own show.
Be sure to check out videos from this show and others on my YouTube channel!
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