I went to this show alone, but quickly made friends with the people who showed up right after me. I had met them before at another concert last year in Colorado Springs. It was freaking cold that day! After standing outside for about an hour and listening to Corrosion Of Conformity do their sound check, the couple I was there with decided to step inside the building, since the doors were open, so I decided to follow them. We stood there in the doorway trying to get warmed up for a minute and to look at the merchandise they had on display. After being there for a few minutes, the guitarist from COC, Woody walked out. He noticed us and I don’t think he knew what to think! He told us he was just checking out the venue and then walked away. A few minutes after that, the lead singer of COC walked out. We said hi to him and asked if we could get a picture with him, which he was kind enough to do before he walked off. A couple seconds later, security walked out and told us we had to wait outside.
After we actually got into the show, not all the bands had been able to do a sound check because the weather had caused some of them to arrive late. Since most of them didn’t do sound check, when they played their sets you couldn’t hear anything the singer was singing or saying. Luckily, when COC came out everything sounded great! Though they had a set list which I managed to get a copy of, they didn’t follow it. Which was fine, I pretty much loved every song they played. As I was recording during 13 Angels, towards the end of the song I reached out to hand them a joint and the singer walked over and grabbed it from me! After he finished playing the song he looked at me and threw me his guitar pick! Then to start the next song he told the crowd he was dedicating the next song to me “Who’s Got The Fire”! I caught all of that on video which was amazing! You can watch both clips “Taking the Joint” and “Song Dedication” on my Facebook page. At the end of the show he also walked up and handed me the set list he was using during the show. My ears rang from this concert for 2 days but it was all worth it! Glad I was able to go and that I met some new and old friends that I am sure I will see at more shows!
Check out full songs on my YouTube channel and be sure to like and follow me on Facebook.