This was another concert with a lot of firsts for me. To start, this was the first time I have seen Kiss live. I flew down to Texas with my cousin to see the show with my uncle and another cousin of mine, who both live in Texas. This was the first time going to a show with my uncle and two cousins. This was also my little cousin’s very first concert ever! We saw Kiss at the American Airlines center in Dallas. Since I’ve never been to Texas for a concert, seeing a show at that arena was another first. Leading up to the show I had several people tell me that Texas is very strict on marijuana use and possession and if caught, it could result in going to jail, not to mention the fines. I was told there was a good chance I wasn’t going to be able to get any 420 clips. Being told all that I planned ahead, just in case I was caught and put into jail, so my family all knew what to do in the event of that happening. I also took in joints instead of a pipe for a couple reasons. The first was I felt they would be easier to get in and conceal. The second reason is I didn’t have a pipe with me since I wasn’t able to bring the one I usually use. Once we got into the arena, we walked around a little bit to see what the place was like. From the 3rd floor, where we were walking, you could see a lot of downtown Dallas, which was really cool. Once we found our seats I started looking at the people around me and where the security people were to see if getting my 420 videos was going to be possible. At first glance, my family told me it wasn’t looking good, but I wasn’t convinced yet. After all this wasn’t the first time for me taking these videos in places I shouldn’t. I immediately started making friends around me, engaging in small talk with them all. Before the opening act came on my cousin and I went out to have a smoke. As we were out there, I was talking to a few people and asked them if they had seen shows here, The American Airlines Arena, and what was security like on people who smoke weed inside. One of the guys laughs and pulls out a glass pipe and said, “I’ll be smoking inside!” He proceeded to hand me his pipe and right there my cousin recorded my first 420 video of the night! Though I was still a little nervous about doing it inside, I went back to my seat. While I was gone I had missed the opening act, which was a painter who did some paintings for the crowd, (which I am ok that I missed. As we were waiting for Kiss to come on, I pretty much asked everyone around us if they cared if I smoked some weed during the show. All of them told me it was cool! As Kiss hit the stage they came out on platforms that lowered them down to the stage! They came out playing Detroit Rock City and this was the first song on the list of songs I wanted to trying getting a 420 video of. Unfortunately, where we were sitting and with the angle, it was hard to get me lighting the joint with the band in the background. When the next song that I wanted to target came on, we tried again but ended up with a video that didn’t get what we were trying to capture. In total I had 5 songs I wanted to try to target, if possible. So when the 3rd song from that list started, I moved to the bottom of the stairs so we could get the shot I came for! As I lit that joint up, the people in our section were cheering me on! Feeling good that I got the shot, but knowing I had two more target songs to try in case it didn’t come out right. When the next target song started, I again went to the bottom of the stairs and things seem to have gone good again. As the last target song started, which was their last song, Rock and Roll All Night, I went back down to the bottom of the stairs. As I lit that joint and took my hit, this security guard saw me and started walking towards me. She gave me a no no finger wave and as I mouthed ok sorry, she turned and walked away. I am sure she thought it was the end of the night why cause more work or maybe she was just being cool! Whatever it was, I was thankful to have just got a warning from her. On the way out of the show, when I saw her I walked up and told her thanks for being cool and asked if I could give her a hug, which she allowed me to do. I figured it was the least I could do since she didn’t cause any trouble for me. The overall show was really good, Kiss did a great job of engaging with the crowd and keeping them pumped through their entire set. They of course had a lot of pyrotechnics and one of the cool things they did was shoot fire out of their guitars, which I am sure they have done before, though I had never seen a band do it. The also did every song I could think of, which of course I only knew a few. But they also did a drum, guitar, and bass solo in their set. I am glad that I got to see such an iconic band before they decided to stop touring. If I had the chance to see them again I certainly would!!
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