This was sort of a last minute buy as my daughter bought us tickets about 2 weeks before the show. I have seen In This Moment a few other times but never as a headliner. Since the venue was all seats we didn’t have to worry about leaving early and standing in line all day as we do for most shows. It was kind of nice to leave, not be in a rush and arrive just about 20 minutes before the first band starts. When we got to the Pikes Peak Center in Colorado Springs there was some uncertainly as to where we could park. We had got an email saying we could park in the juror parking lot but all the signs in the lot said vehicles without passes will be towed and ticketed. With no one around to ask we went ahead and park there and hoped for the best since that is what the email said (we didn’t get ticketed or towed btw). The parking lot was only a block away so it was nice and close. When we got to the doors there was no line and we walked right in and got to our seats pretty quickly. We maybe sat there for 10 minutes before the first band hit the stage, DED. I had heard of them before but never heard any of their music. I was actually pretty impressed and though they put on a great show! Very heavy and very energetic!! Even though the place was still pretty empty when they played their set the people that were there were really into the music! I saw several people banging their heads cheering at the end of all their songs. After their set I headed out to the smoking area to take a few tokes off the wax pen since it seemed no one was smoking pot inside at least as of yet. On the way down to the smoking section a guy stopped me and said hey I remember you from Slipknot. He was the guy who was right behind me and when I was trying to do my 420 clip at that show and security started looked he gave me a heads up!! Needless to say I thanked him again for looking out and gave him one of my business cards. After a quick break in the smoking section we headed back in and sat for a few minutes again before the next band came out which was The Devil Wears Prada. I had also heard of these guys before and not really sure if I had ever heard any of their songs. They were also a pretty heavy band and to be honest all their songs sounded the same. Which made it hard to do videos since I wasn’t sure when one was ending and the other was starting. I did my best to capture all the songs though I might have butchered several of them. I also wasn’t able to figure out any of the song titles except for one. I just have them listed on my YouTube as song 1-6 I think. They also played a new song which I labeled New Song 1 lol. I did like the set and the music but thought the first band DED was a little better. After their set we went back outside to smoke and to do a few 420 live clips on Facebook and Twitter. Not wanting to miss any of In This Moments set we didn’t hang outside very long. We got back to our seats and we ended up waiting about 20 minutes before they actually came out on stage. Just before they came out on stage I did ask the two guys sitting right next to me if they cared if I smoked pot during a couple of the songs. They responded by saying hell no as long as you share which I am usually happy to do! By the time they hit the stage the place was a lot more packed in, though it was not a sold out show. They came out playing a cover song, Fly Like an Eagle by Steve Miller Band. She absolutely did a great job of signing the song with her own twist on it. From there it was all original songs except for the jam session they had in the middle of their set. This included riffs from bands like Metallica and ACDC! All the other songs she played, I was unfamiliar with except for two of them, Blood and Adrenalize. Though I didn’t know the other songs she played I must say they were very similar to her other songs and they were good. For each song she did an outfit change it seemed like which took up a lot of time. I understand that part of her show is theatrics but would have been nice if she could have played more songs and changed less. I did manage to get a few 420 clips. The first one came when she played Blood. After taking a toke I handed my bowl to the two guys next to us as I said I would. What was funny was that up until that point no one around us was smoking but the minute I did everyone around me lite up. People were passing joints everywhere, it was like they were all just waiting for one person to do it first. I also got another 420 clip during their last song Whore. All and all the show was good and I would love to see them again, maybe at a festival or an opener but not sure I would go see them again as a headliner.
Be sure to check out videos from this show and others on my YouTube channel!
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Twitter: @dan_chronicles