This was a concert that was supposed to happen in 2020 but due to Covid, it like several other shows got cancelled or postponed. When they first announced this tour I knew I wanted to go but I didn’t buy my tickets in 2020 because prices for the tickets were high and I figured as we got closer to the show I would try and find some cheaper tickets. Then as I mentioned the show got postponed and didn’t happen in 2020. When they announced this year the rescheduled date I of course started looking at tickets. Ticket prices were still high but I had like a $500 voucher and I figured we would use that before it expired to buy our tickets. The whole voucher thing is a story in itself, but to try and make a long story short when they cancelled fans at the Broncos games they gave me a voucher instead of a refund for the tickets I had bought. The vouchers however were only good on a 3rd party web site (not ticket master) and prices on this 3rd party site were over $100 more per ticket than what ticket master had them selling for. The voucher expired in July of 2021. So last month when we use it to buy these tickets, all we could afford were seat tickets not pit tickets because of how much the tickets were marketed up. I not only used my whole $500+ voucher but I still had to pay out of pocket like another $100 for the 2 seat tickets. This was even more annoying the week of the concert because ticket master had lowered pit tickets to just $100. Needless to say it was some shady shit that Ticket Master pulled with those vouchers!
However moving on to the concert. As I mentioned we ended up with seats, the seats were on the floor in section A row 32, so they were decent seats at least. Since we had seats we didn’t get there early like we usually do. We just planned to be there around the time the doors opened at 430. We ended up getting there just after 5 and instead of parking in their parking lot and paying $20 we parked on the street which meant we had a little walk. Normally that’s no big deal however my feet were so sore from running 9 miles earlier that day with the dogs. I hadn’t been running regularly and this was only my 2nd day back, and pushing 9 miles made the bottoms of my feet really tender. However we pushed through and walked almost a mile to get to the venue. As we were walking up, there was a guy walking around selling shirts for $20 each. I told him I would give him $20 for 2 and he said no he couldn’t do that so we walked away. Right about then we could hear the opening band hitting the stage. They were The Interrupters, which I had never heard of before. Since we figured we had a little time before the 3 main band were going to hit we walked over to check out the merchandise booth, the line was crazy long so we only glanced at their stuff. After that we made our way through security. The guy made me take my chain wallet off then walk through the metal detector so he clearly saw my wallet and was ok with it. We then walked up to have our tickets scanned and just as they scanned them from Jessica this other lady tells me I can’t bring my chain wallet in. I told her they just scanned our tickets so how are we going to get back in if we have to run back to the car. She tells me that she will let us back in. I was so annoyed since I had to walk all the way back to the car and my feet were still hurting. I had no choice so we headed back to the car.
On the way to the car I saw that guy selling shirts again or maybe it was another guy selling not sure. I told him I would take 3 shirt for $40, he tells me $45 and I said all I have is $40, so he agreed and I got a shirt for me, Jessica and Alexis since she wasn’t able to make it to the show. After walking back to the car and then back to the venue we had completely missed the first band. We got inside, went to the bathroom, grabbed some waters and a coke and headed to our seats. Before we were able to sit down Weezer had just hit the stage. We were able to get to our seats pretty quickly. Their 2nd song was Hash Pipe so I of course took that opportunity to get a 420 clip of me taking a couple of tokes while they played that song. Weezer then played some of their new music and for the 2nd half of their set they played all their old hits. This was my first time seeing them in concert and I have to say I thought they did a great job! The crowd was really into them, I think they sang along with pretty much every one of their songs they played. They played a few I didn’t know but I of course sang along with all the ones I knew.
After they finished their set, I was surprised how quickly they tore down their set and built the Fall Out Boys set. I think of the 3 bands, I was most excited to see them. I had never seen them live until now. They started their set with a video playing for the crowd then hit the stage playing “The Phoenix” and with pyros going off. The crowd was really pumped, you could just feel it. They played 15 songs and I knew a lot of them, I think Jessica knew them all. They had a lot of energy during their set, the singer sounded really good live. I was however a little surprised that he never talked to the crowd. Every time they stopped playing and someone engaged with the crowd it was the bass player Pete who talked every time. I was really glad to see them live and if I get the chance to see them again I certainly will. I hope that next time I get to see them I get to see them from the pit instead of seats though.
Again it didn’t take long to change sets to the Green Day set. In fact the Green day set was pretty basic, I was surprised the other 2 bands had a more elaborate set than the headliner. I had seen Green Day once a long time ago back in Seattle. It was at one of the Lolopolooza type shows I had been to. I remember seeing him back then and he was late to the show, he was all drunk, but put on a great show back then. For this show he seemed to be sober, I don’t follow the band close enough to know if or when he got sober but it was clear he was at this performance. Sober or really drunk I have to say Billy Joe Armstrong puts on a really good show! He was constantly getting the crowd to engage with him by singing, jumping or just waving our hands. He even brought some kid up on stage to play a song with the band. I was surprised the kid was offered a pick and he told him no and pulled out his own. I would have taken that pick! Anyway after he played with the band the singer got him to do a stage dive into the crowd which he did. All together they played 21 songs and it was hit after hit. There were a few song that I didn’t know but the crowd seemed to know all of them as they sang along with pretty much every song he played. He sounded amazing live and was just so full of energy! He had the entire place rocking the entire time. I was hoping that at the end of the show he would light something on fire like he used to do. When I saw him before he lit up the drum sets on stage for his last song. He didn’t this time, however they did have a lot of fireworks at the end of the show.
Like I said Jess and I had a great time and I am glad we both got to go. I am looking forward to our next show which is actually going to be our first festival together. It will be the Blue Ridge Rock Festival in just 2 weeks.
Be sure to check out videos from this show and others on my YouTube channel!
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