I have wanted to see Hell Yeah for a long time and the time before this I wasn’t able to make it because the night they played here in Colorado I already had tickets to see Live and Bush. I thought for sure after that show I would never get another chance to see them. So when they announced a new date in Colorado Springs I knew I was going. I bought my tickets the day they went on sale! About 2 weeks before the day of the show, my daughter decided she wanted to see them live as well. Unfortunately the show was sold out so we ended up buying tickets for the 2nd night. A week before the concert the tickets she bought showed up however the ones I bought for the first night still hadn’t arrived. A little concerned I called the ticket company and asked about my tickets. I was told they changed ticket distributors and they would reach out to them and get back to me. It took me calling them several times and just days before the show they were able to get my tickets switched to will call. For the first night I went with my girlfriend. Since the first night had sold out we figured there would be a lot of people there early in line so we headed up early and got in line around 1 pm. When we got there, there was already about 4 people in line ahead of us. That day was also cold with a very cold wind and a call for rain throughout the day. We were in line for maybe an hour or two before we lost the sun behind the building which made it even colder. It was probably one of the coldest shows I stood in line for right along with Warrant and Stabbing Westward. My girlfriend ended up going back and forth to the car to warm up it was so cold. While I was standing in line I saw several band members coming in and out and was even able to get a picture with the drummer of Nonpoint. Shortly after that the Hell Yeah tour bus arrived and I did a 420 video which I posted on social media. Never saw any of the members of the band come out but it was still pretty cool! Right after that the rain came and it got even colder! Luckily it didn’t last long and we had a friend who was joining us late but brought hot coco (thanks Crazy Monica)! That really helped a ton and gave us the warmth we needed to wait out the rest of the time before they let us in. Once we did get in we of course got our spot right up front on the rail. After we secured our spot I wanted to buy us a shirt but didn’t have enough cash on me so my girlfriend bought them for us! She always does small things for me like that! The first band to hit the stage was a band called Deep Fall which I never heard of before. When they hit the stage the energy and their sound was great! They even did a cover of a Journey song which I shared live the 2nd night on Facebook. All and all I enjoyed their set! After they reset the stage it was time for Nonpoint. This was the 2nd time seeing them this year. They were just as good as they were the first time I saw them. I enjoyed the cover they did of Phil Collins In The Air. My girlfriend managed to get a guitar pick and I got the set list when they were done. I think these guys are really good and really enjoyed seeing them again! It didn’t take long for them to set the stage up for Hell Yeah! While they were setting up they added a lot more security to the front of the stage and the tour manager was telling security they needed to watch as the singer was planning on being all over the place. He wasn’t kidding, the first song the singer basically came out into the crowd. He continued to do that throughout their set. He walked on the crowd, climbed the rafters and you could tell security had their hands full trying to keep track of him and watch all the people in the venue. They were all and all so great live and I am so glad I got to see them. I managed to get one of the guitar picks myself and almost got their set list but there were too many hands on it when they threw it in the crowd. I did manage to get a picture of it. Since I was going back the very next night and there was a lot of security I didn’t even bother trying to get a 420 clip. I did however record all the songs from both Nonpoint and Hell Yeah but again until I have a better way of sharing that footage besides YouTube I will only post clips on my other social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram).
Be sure to check out videos from this show and others on my YouTube channel!
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