Fells like it was just yesterday that I was on a lunch break with a co-worker and we were sitting in his car chilling and he tells me, you gotta hear this new song from this band called Tool. It was called The Swamp Song. So he puts it on and we sit there listening to all 5 minutes of it and when it was done, I was like that was pretty bad ass. From just hearing it one time, I was curious to hear more of their music, I ended up buying the CD and giving it a listen and instantly found other songs that I liked. After a few times listening to it I found that I liked every song on the album. It was not long for me to become a huge fan of this band I had never heard of before that day in my buddy’s car. I have been a huge Tool fan and supporter ever since that day! I can say their music had a huge impact on me and I am grateful for that!
Happy Birthday Undertow!
Happy Birthday Undertow