I was lucky enough to see Godsmack twice last year. I saw them when they were on their own tour they came through Denver and we also saw them at Aftershock. I wasn’t planning on seeing them again after I heard they were coming back and doing an acoustic set only because I had just seen them. However, when my son said he was interested in going I told him I would buy tickets if he went. He doesn’t do a lot of shows with us, so I jumped at the chance to spend time with him. Originally it was going to Jess and me with both of my kids.
The day of the show my daughter had something come up, so she wasn’t able to attend. Jess and I with my son still had a great time. We got to the venue just as the doors were opening so we hung out and had a drink while I smoked a bowl while the line died down. By the time we walked up to the doors we walked straight in. We got in line for some merch which the line moved pretty quickly. Then we found our way to our seats. I was going to go outside and smoke again, but they didn’t have the smoking section open yet. We sat in our seats for maybe 20-30 minutes before the opening act came out.
The opening act was Bastian De Cruz. Someone I had never heard of before. He was a one-man band and he put on an acoustic set which made sense because the whole tour was supposed to be acoustic. He was good but his music was a little slow, at least from what I heard. We listened to 2 of his songs then we went outside so that I could smoke another bowl. We hung out in the smoking section for a bit. After we got back to our seats, we were there maybe 15 minutes before Godsmack hit the stage. They came out doing “Time” a Pink Floyd song. It wasn’t acoustic which I was sort of confused about. Their entire set was electric except when they did a cover of Metallica’s “Nothing Else Matters”. I will say that the singer did engage with the crowd a lot more than the other times I had seen them. He told stories and really tried to connect with the crowd which I think he did. I would have preferred them doing more of their own songs then all the covers, but they did a great job doing them. All and all they put on a great set. The only issues we had all night were the people behind us. When Godsmack came out we stood up and they were complaining telling us to sit down, but then within a minute or two the whole place stood up. There were times the crowd would sit down like when he was talking and telling stories. We sat down for those but when they started playing again, we stood up. Not everyone did every time. So, when the whole place wasn’t standing the people behind us started complaining again. They even asked security to make us sit down. Security came up and asked if we could sit down but also said we didn’t have to if we didn’t want to, so we didn’t. We weren’t being obnoxious, but we were also enjoying ourselves and standing right in front of the seats we paid for. I pretty much just ignored them. At the end of the set while Godsmack was playing their last song Jess and I walked up to the front and watched from the side but right by the stage. I even managed to move towards the center when they were doing their stage picture with the band. I unfortunately didn’t get pick or set list but all and all I think we all had a great time.
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