This was the first of two nights seeing this show. Both my daughter and girlfriend wanted to go but neither of them could make it the same night and since they were playing two nights, first in Loveland and then in Colorado Springs I got to go to both shows. The first night was up in Loveland and I went to that show with my girlfriend and another friend. We picked up our friend in Colorado Springs before heading to the show. Our friend was kind enough to pack sandwich stuff and chips for all of us so we didn’t have to spend money while we were traveling or at the show, unless we wanted munchies!! All week I had been having some truck issues so we had decided to take my girlfriend’s car which was also having some issues but we thought it was our safest bet to get there and back with the least amount of issues. After we left Springs everything was going great, got through Denver and all the construction on I-25 pretty quickly and we were about 10 miles away when GPS directed us off the freeway to avoid a “major slow down” that was ahead. After we got off the freeway about 5 or 10 minutes later the car started overheating. We were practically in the middle of nowhere with nothing but farms and cow fields around us. We decided to pull over and let the car cool off so we could check the coolant level. As we sat there on the side of the road with the odor of cow shit in the air, we decided to have lunch as we waited for the car to cool down. As it turned out, the ambiance was actually nice other than dealing with the car issues. After we ate and the car cooled off we headed straight to a gas station which was about 4 miles away to get some coolant. Once we got that and filled the car up we headed to the Ranch where the Budweiser Event Center is. Since we had seats and arrived really early we decided to walk around and get a few 420 videos done. I just got my new Dan’s 420 Chronicles shirts a few days before so I brought them all to get videos with them. Throughout the day/night I was able to get a video with all three of my shirts! I also had a few people ask me about my shirt, it caught their attention that I was wearing a shirt with a picture of me on it!! The few people who asked thought it was awesome!! It was kind of cold that day so I did have a light jacket on, so not sure that a lot of people got to see the t-shirts but glad some did and reacted to it. After we walked around and did a few videos we headed back to the car where I smoked a bowl since we still had plenty of time before the door opened. Once the doors opened and the line cleared we went in. Since we had seats we weren’t worried about rushing in. Once we got to our seats we sat there for maybe 15 minutes before Nothing More came out on the stage. I only knew two of their songs they played but they were very entertaining on stage. They had this thing called a scorpion’s tail, and it looked like a big tall scorpion’s tail. It was really awesome! They played it and made some crazy cool sounds! At times they climbed on stuff while playing it which really added to the show. Their set was short but good! Between bands we went outside so I could smoke and do another 420 clip. We got back to our seats after that and didn’t wait long before Ghost came out. The place had really filled in which I was surprised since it seemed nowhere near as full during Nothing More, but maybe I was wrong, who knows for sure. Ghost had a cool stage built for their performance and of course they were dressed in their full outfits. They started with Rats which got the audience into it right away! They continued to play all their great hits and a few other great songs like Mummy Dust. Throughout the set the singer changed outfits a few times and at one point the faceless minions had a guitar solo battle which was really cool! All in all the performance was great and I was excited to see them the following night with my daughter and another friend. We did make it home that night in spite of the car issues, in case you were wondering!
Be sure to check out videos from this show and others on my YouTube channel!
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Instagram: Dan’s 420 Chronicles