This was an unexpected show. A few weeks before the show the local radio station, KILO 94.3 was giving away tickets. I asked Jess if she was interested in going and she was, so I decided to try and win them, which I did. Then the day before the show I got a call from the radio station, and they said they were told they could upgrade some people to a meet and greet. She said they were just calling the first 5 winners and I was the first winner, so I had to option to upgrade which of course, it was a no brainer. Since Jess had to work that day we didn’t get in line super early like we normally do we decided that we would get there when we did and we would just have a chill night in the back. We got to the venue about 15 minutes before we were supposed to check in. I was surprised to see how long the line was at this point. As we walked up, we saw some people in the front that we knew so we went and stood with them. Most of them were also VIP but they had bought their VIP passes. Just before they were ready to let us in the tour manager came out to talk to us. When we told him we were with the radio he told us that we had to be at the back of the line and that we weren’t going to get all the perks like the people who had bought their VIP passes, which was fine. We got to participate in the Q&A, we got our pictures with the band, and we got early entrance. We didn’t get to participate in the dart game everyone else got to play and we didn’t get a signed set list with a sticker. Again, which was fine, but that tour manager sure made it clear throughout the process how we weren’t as important as the other VIP’s. Again, we understood we didn’t buy our passes. After that was all done, they kicked us out outback to get back in line for re-entry before they let the general public in. At this point it was snowing hard. Though we should have been at the back of that line we went back to the front where our friends were, and we went in with them. Though we didn’t plan on hanging out on the rail we did get a couple spots up there. We just held the spots for one of our friends who was outside in the GA line. Once he came in, we gave him our spot and then went to chill behind the crowd. We actually ended up going back outside in the snow before the first band so that I could smoke a joint. When we went back in the place was pretty packed. It was the most packed I have ever seen it for an opening band. So, we just stayed towards the back.
The opening band was a rapper, dj and a drummer. I had never heard of them before. They or he was called Ekoh and it seemed like a lot of people were there to see them play. I have to admit it, when I first heard the opening band was a rapper I wasn’t that excited. However, I will say they put on a great set. Not really the kind of music I listen to most of the time but they had really good energy and had the crowd jumping. At one point the rapper was standing on the crowd then crowd surfing while he was rapping. It was pretty cool and certainly entertaining. After their set Jess and I ran into the DJ and got a picture with him. We also meet up with my daughter and her friend and we hung out with them on and off for the next two bands.
The next two bands were Catch Your Breath, and The Word Alive. To be honest with you Jess and I went out during part of one of their sets so I could smoke another joint, there were bathroom breaks and getting more drinks I didn’t see much of these bands sets. The bits that I caught were good. They were rock music and again the place was packed through all the bands and the place seemed to really be into their sets. Before From Ashes to New came on we went out one more time so I could smoke another joint. My daughter said she was going to stay for a couple of songs so we said bye.
After I was done smoking my joint and we came back in we were in the very back and like I said that place was packed. When the band hit the stage a pretty good-sized pit opened up. Security even came and was standing at the wall of the pit monitoring everything. This was our chance to move a little further up, so we did. At that point I saw someone we were hanging out with earlier so I worked my way up to him. At that point we were only about 8 people deep from the rail. During their set we ended up moving a little closer and by the time it was done we were maybe 4-5 people deep. The band themselves did a great job with their set. Again, to be completely honest I barely knew 1 song, Jess knew more but for me even though I only knew the 1 I enjoyed their set. They talked to the crowd throughout the set and really related to people and the struggles that we all go through as people. I would certainly go see them again and might even look into more of their music.
When we got out of the show the roads were bad. It looked like it had snowed hard the entire time and none of the roads were plowed including the freeway. On our way home at point we saw a person in front of us spin out and do a couple spins before ending up in the median. Thankfully we made it home safe without any issues.
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