I made a pretty good post about this festival on my Facebook page. This was the first time ever for me to attend a big festival like this. I had chosen this one specifically because Tool was headlining one of the nights. As most of you know, Tool is one of my top three bands so I was pretty excited for this one. Not to mention the other big names like Korn, Foo Fighters, Rob Zombie, 311, Bring Me The Horizon, Judas Priest, and so many more. I flew into North Carolina Thursday with a friend and once we got to the campgrounds we met up with some friends I knew from Twitter. They were also the ones who helped me out by bringing extra weed that we traded for the edibles I had brought. After getting camp set up and smoking a blunt, we headed into the festival as they had two cover bands playing that night. One was an AC/DC cover band and the other was a Guns N’ Roses cover band. Both bands were pretty good and I especially enjoyed the Guns N’ Roses cover band, since Guns N’ Roses are my favorite band. The following day, which was the actually first day of the festival, after getting up, eating, and just hanging out around camp, we headed in about 4:00 and met up with some other friends who I knew from the local shows in Colorado. That night we saw Dorthy, Skillet, Beartooth, Mushuggah, Machine Gun Kelly, Evanescence, Rob Zombie, and the headliners Korn. It goes without saying that Korn was the best band of the night! I have seen them countless times and they have never disappointed. There wasn’t a single song they played that I didn’t know! Rob Zombie was also very entertaining, along with Skillet. This was only my second time seeing Zombie but I have seen Skillet at least three times prior to this. The other bands were good, with the exception of Machine Gun Kelly, I didn’t care for his set. I can appreciate other styles of music, but what I didn’t like about his set was when he grabbed a joint out of the crowd and was puffing on it like he was smoking, but all he was doing was puffing. I feel like what was the point if you aren’t going to inhale and smoke it. I guess he thought it was cool to pretend to smoke lol. Saturday we went early to watch my twitter friends’ band that was playing, Tetrarch. They were really good and had a heavy sound, which I enjoyed. They played around 11am so once their set was over we left, with the idea we would come back later in the day to watch some of the other big bands. Around 5 when we got into the festival, they had just started to announce that people needed to evacuate due to a storm coming and they would let people know when it was safe to come back in. When the storm hit we were still walking back to the campgrounds and it hit pretty hard. There were heavy rain and winds, which did a ton of damage to several of the camp sites. We were lucky enough not to have had anything damaged or lost in the storm. However, there was some damage that occurred to one of the stages and they ended up canceling the bands for the rest of the night, including Tool. Words can’t even explain the level of disappointment I felt when they made that announcement! Several other people were pretty upset too, and in fact, after that announcement was made several of the people staying in the campgrounds packed up and left the festival, they didn’t stay for the final night. Other bands that got canceled that night included Black Label Society, Bush, The Cult, Judas Priest, and a few others. Sunday’s line up still had some great bands set to play, but there was a threat all day of another storm coming through. Luckily other than just a few rain drops, the whole day was perfect and nothing was canceled or delayed! I got to see several bands which I had never seen before, plus some I had seen before, but was still excited to see again. The Glorious Son put on a good set to start the day. I had never seen them before and was happy with their set, even though I only knew 1 song by them. Fever 333 was amazing! This was my second time seeing them! I love their energy and their music is really good! It’s hard not to bob your head to their music or find yourself singing along with it. Killswitch Engage was another band I had never seen before and really enjoyed their set, but again I only really knew the one cover song they sang. The other bands I had seen before and that were playing that night included Mastodon, 311, Bring Me The Horizon, and the Foo Fighters. The Foo Fighters were really good, this was my second time seeing them and just like last time, Dave Grohl was super entertaining. They played every song I knew by them, plus a few I didn’t know. I also have to say that Bring Me The Horizon was amazing, this was my second time seeing them. The first time I didn’t know much about their music, but this time I was much more familiar and enjoyed their set a lot more. Even though I didn’t get to see Tool on Saturday, which was the main reason I picked this festival, all and all I had a good time. It was my first time doing a festival like this and I am sure it won’t be my last one.
Be sure to check out videos from the show on my YouTube channel:
Be sure to check out videos from this show and others on my YouTube channel!
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