Hey everyone! I hope that everyone is staying safe! I know these are uncertain times and we have all heard that way too much! I’m not going to get into my views right now of what’s going on, instead I want to give everyone an update. This site was mainly created to post pictures and reviews of the concerts I was attending, but with all mass gatherings being put on hold there hasn’t been any new updates in that section. However there have been other updates such as new recipes that were added! I also added a new section to my 420 shop, which now includes tank tops. Not only that but I have also added some new designs! I will be adding more designs and recipes to the site over the next couple of weeks and months. So be sure to check back regularly to see what’s new! Hopefully we will all be allowed to attend concerts soon and I can resume posting pictures and reviews! In the meantime stay safe and high 420 family!!