I must say that it feels really good to be doing concert reviews again! After over a year, shows are starting to come back. The first up for me was Buckcherry at Sunshine Studios in Colorado Springs. The last time I went to a show at this venue it was to see Buckcherry and I went with my 2 cousins. We ended up getting so drunk I missed the entire set of Buckcherry and even lost my phone that night. I got so drunk that night security told my cousins if I got out of control they were going to ask me to leave, which I don’t think they ended up doing that night but I don’t really remember. I was already on their radar from the show before tBuckcherry; I think it was Puddle of Mudd. Anyway for that show I was trying to do my 420 clip at the front of the stage and a cop saw me. I was immediately pulled out of the crowd and told I needed to leave which I ended up sneaking back in. Even though all that happened over a year ago when we went to see Buckcherry, this weekend they still remembered me. As usually I got there early and was first in line, and as the staff started coming out and setting up one of the security guys walked up to me and asked if I had any boozed hidden in my pants or if I was going to be smoking weed inside the venue. I of course told him no booze and no smoking inside for me on this night. Since I was with Jess and we still had to drive home I knew I wasn’t going to be drinking, and I knew if I didn’t want to get kicked out and possibly 86’d from the place I wasn’t going to be able to smoke or get a 420 clip inside. Before the doors opened I saw that security guy talking to the owner of the place and they were looking over at me. I knew I was going to be watched all night, which was fine as I had no plans to do anything except enjoy the concert. Once they opened the venue and started letting us in I walked by the security guy and shook my pants to let him see I had no booze hidden. He joked about it being secure as he probably thought I still had something on me. However before I talk about the venue and the bands let me back up a little and talk about what happened while we were waiting outside to get in. First it was nice to see some old friends Buzz and Carrie who I used to go to a lot of show with back in 2018-2019. Well anyway as more people started showing up and some of the bands, one in particular Gravel. After they parked their tour van waiting to unload their equipment into the venue one of the band members walked up to me and said, I remember you! I completely drew a blank on who he was or where I met him before. He told me that he meet me and Jess in 2018 at a Breaking Benjamin show. That was the show that Jess and I got together and started dating. I honestly still didn’t remember him when he told us that, I was a little buzzed at the Breaking Benjamin show. It wasn’t until he told us he was the guy who won tickets from the radio station that I finally remembered who he was. Anyway, shortly after that it started raining on us while we were in line. Jess and I had an umbrella that we had just bought that day but no one else in line had one so they all ran to their cars as it started getting harder and eventually started hailing. As Jess and I were standing under this little umbrella trying to stay dry the guy from Gravel had their side door open on their van and told Jess and I to come and get out of the rain. That was really cool hanging out with those guys, we were in their van for about 30 mins or so until the rain finally stopped. While I was in the van I got to do a video clip with everyone and even got to see the guitar they auctioned off later that night. All and all they were really cool guys, and I told them I would be in touch with them as I pursue trying to get music down here to Pueblo.
Ok, lets talk about the show and after we got inside the venue. I was a little disappointed as there were a lot of VIPs and they took up most of the front rail but Jess and I still managed to get a really good spot off to the right on the rail. It actually turned out to be the best spot we could have asked for. The first band of the night was Pyscho Blood Babies (I think) and they were a hard metal band. From what I understand they were a fairly new formed band and this was their first show. Though I probably wont listen to their music they were good and entertaining. I think they did a good job of getting the crowd warmed up as everyone was walking in and finding their spots. The next band was another local band called Death Ride and they were super energetic the singer was jumping all around the stage and going out in the crowd. I really enjoyed their over all sound as well. I would certainly see them again. After they played it was the guys from Gravel. I had heard of them before but never seen them clearly and they really put on a great set. From what I understand the singer was a new singer and this was their first show together with him, but you wouldn’t have even known, except when he forgot some lyrics but he played it off good and said something about it being the year 2021 and he should be able to do what ever the fuck he wanted. The crowed loved it even though those weren’t the right lyrics. Gravel has a couple shows coming up and I’m going to see what I can do to make it to see them again. Next was the coheadliner the band that is actually touring with Buckcherry and they were called Of Limbo. They are a Long Beach band. They had a good sound, I had never heard of them before this but they were really entertaining to watch live. I should say the bassist was really entertaining throughout their set. He had on these tiny shorts, way too short and this shirt he had cut himself so it was a crop top. He was also a larger man with a lot of belly hanging out, but he didn’t give two shits. He played his bass and danced around the entire time. From what I understand his grandparents were side stage watching the set. I would say that they whole band did a great job and really got the crowd pumped up for the headliner, Buckcherry. When Buckcherry finally hit the stage the fans were ready and the place was electrified. They played some of their old hits and some songs of their new and up coming album. From what I heard the new songs sound great and I’m looking forward to hearing more songs from that album. The singer did a great job of talking and engaging with the crowd, of course he got everyone to sing with him while he sang Crazy Bitch. I think everyone there was just thrilled to finally have live concerts back and to have a band like Buckcherry come to the Springs and put on such a great show I know myself, I am super excited to seeing more shows this years! I should also mentioned that I managed to get not only pics from Gravel but I got the Buckcherry set list and the one and only guitar pick that the guitarist played and gave away that night. It doesn’t say Buckcherry but I watched him all night and he never lost a pick and at the end of the show when I asked for it, he said it wasn’t special, even though it was because it was the pick he used the entire night. The last thing I will say about the night is on the way out I saw that security guard and told him something like see no trouble from me, he replied with I know I was watching!! Then he told us to have a good night!
Be sure to check out videos from this show and others on my YouTube channel!
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