I debated on if I should go to this show or not, but every time I have seen Breaking Benjamin they were always really good. From all the times I have seen them I only had video footage from the most recent one I attended, which was last year. I saw them with Five Finger Death Punch and we had seats so the videos were good but we were further away than I would have liked. Then after a friend offered me a discounted VIP ticket and I thought there was no way I could pass up going!
They played at the First Bank Center in Broomsfield, Colorado with Underoath and Diamante. I hadn’t been to the First Bank Center in probably over a year and half. I think the last band I saw there was A Perfect Circle, when it was just me and my son. Even though we had VIP tickets we got to the venue pretty early, we wanted to make sure we were still in the front. Thankfully the weather was really nice that day, I think it was high 60’s, maybe low 70’s, so much nicer than the shows I have been attending, where I have been standing outside in the freezing cold.
While I was in line, as usual, I made lot of new friends and saw some old ones from previous shows. Two of the people I met in line were a mother in-law and daughter couple who had traveled out of state to see the show. I thought it was so cool they had come together and had such a great relationship. As I mentioned, there were some old friends there as well which included a mom and son couple. Seeing them all there made me wish I had both my kids and dad with me at the show! I always think it’s amazing when parent and kids come together for a concert. Those are some of the best bonding experiences and memories that last a lifetime!
Once we got in we were given a poster and a laminate VIP pass and were told we could hang out. They were selling merchandise but they weren’t doing any liquor sales, which I thought was weird. We also weren’t allowed to go out onto the floor so one again, we lined up by the curtain! While we were waiting for them to let us out on the floor several security guards started to take their positions and one of them was the security guy from Disturbed! He immediately recognized me and started telling the other security staff I was cool and he knew me from previous shows. I was hoping he was going to be stationed at the rail so that he would hopefully look the other way when I did my 420 videos, unfortunately he wasn’t positioned there but I did run into him a couple of times throughout the night.
When they finally let us on to the floor we were able to get our spot right in the front, in the center, which is where we had hoped to be. Several of the people who were in line with us also grouped around us which was nice, because sometimes you make these friends and when everyone rushes in they get split up.
The opening act was Diamante and she played a total of 6 songs, only one which I knew. She played Hear Me Know which was the song she did with Bad Wolves. I thought her set was pretty good and she did a good job of warming up the crowd. When Underoath came on, they were pumped! I wasn’t familiar with a lot of their music but it was all fast paced and high energy! They certainly brought the crowd up to another level! I am actually pretty excited to see these guys again when they come back to Denver and open for Alice in Chains and Korn!
When Breaking Benjamin came out of course the place went crazy!! I have seen them a few times and just like every other time, they played a great set and put on a great show! They played a lot of their older hits and some of their newer songs. The lead singer Benjamin Burnley did a really good job of interacting with the crowd. He came off the stage a few times to shake hands and hug a few people from the crowd. Towards the end of the show he also brought a lot of people, including kids, up on stage while he performed a couple of songs.
Some of the other highlights of the night included my friend catching a pick from Breaking Benjamin and getting to enjoy an overall VIP experience for the first time. I am looking forward to seeing Slipknot, that will be the next VIP show I will be attending. Certainly if Breaking Benjamin comes back, I would go see them again!
Be sure to check out videos from this show and others on my YouTube channel!
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