When they announced this tour with no Colorado dates my girlfriend said we were going on a road trip to Wichita! Money was tight at the time tickets went on sale and we went back and forth on if we should buy just general admission tickets or VIP early access. We got the tickets the day they went on sale which was like 4 months before the show. The day before the concert we packed up the truck and headed out. We got an early start, I think we left around 8:30 am as we wanted to be able to stop along the way and get there in time to hopefully do a little sightseeing. Things were off to a great start shortly after we crossed the Kansas border gas prices dropped dramatically which was nice. We of course found a few places to stop to get a few 420 clips. One of the places we found was in Kerny it was a cemetery that had a tank. The wind was blowing so hard that day it was near impossible to light my bowl but I managed to get it done! A few other placed we stopped were the time zone change and of course Dodge City! Things seemed to be going great until a state trooper caught me speeding. I was doing 83 in a 65 zone and the damn ticket was almost $200! Needless to say from that point on I did the speed limits as I didn’t want to risk getting another ticket out of state or anywhere for that matter. We still made good time and got into Wichita about 5pm local time. About half a mile from the hotel the truck started acting up and we had to pull off into a parking lot. After letting it sit for a few minutes it started right back up and we were able to make it to the hotel. After we got checked in and asking if there was anything worth going to see around town, I decided to smoke a bowl. From there we headed out to see this statue of an Indian on the Arkansas River. It was called The Keeper Of The Plains. There was a lot of people there and I was told every couple of hours they light up the flames on the river below the statue. We happen to get there during one of the times they had the fires going, which was really cool. Before we left I had to do a 420 clip there. From there we just grabbed some food and headed back to the hotel since we couldn’t find any other sights to go see. We did drive by the In Trust Bank Arena to check out the spot of the concert and to get a game plan on where we wanted to park. Since we wanted to get an early start the next day we called it an early night and the day of the show we got up around 8am. We got ready, grabbed some breakfast and packed everything up to head out for the concert. When we got there we found a spot we were hoping to get, which was only a block away from the venue and was free! We grabbed our stuff and headed out to get in line. There were 3 entrances into the In Trust Bank Arena and one of them already had 2 people in line. We asked around and found all 3 entrances let you in but the spot with the 2 already in line was probably best to get closest access to the stage once we were let in. With several hours to wait before doors opened we of course made friends with the 2 guys who were there before us. I smoke a few bowls with one of them and did a 420 clip in front of the arena as we were waiting. While we were waiting my girlfriend got a text about upgrading our seats. So we started looking into that and found out that she in fact did buy us early access! We were both pretty excited about that! We ended up moving from the line we were in, which was the front since there were only 3 people and we were in front of one of them, to another line with people already in front of us. I told my girlfriend that when we get in we would split up so we had a better chance of trying to get up front. She went and got our shirts as I was making friends with the new group of people I was with. We decided at one point as we were waiting that we would try and just walk down without our guide. We made it past the curtain and around to the stairs when someone found us and made us go get back in line. At that point they also had my girlfriend there so we ended up waiting to get on the floor in the same place. Once they walked us in and down the stairs it was a mad run for it! We ended up getting the spot we wanted which was just a little off center. I still think this is a better spot then center stage as you have a better chance of catching picks just a little off center but not very far off! Once they let everyone in, the people we were outside in line with ended up right behind us. Once we had our spots secured I immediately started making friends with security as I was hoping they would be lenient if they caught me smoking or trying to do a 420 clip. They seemed to like the fact I was from Colorado and engaged with me a little bit. Before the main band came on I headed outside to smoke a cigarette. One of the guys who was outside with us all day went with me along with another friend we had made while waiting outside. While outside we talked to a couple who said they did the meet and greet with Korn and got Koffee from them. I guess Korn has their own Koffee and yes spelled with a K. She offered us a taste which we all did. I’m not much of a coffee drinker so it didn’t taste any different to me. Was still cool to have tried it. After smoking we headed back in and right back to our spots. The first band that played was UK Bones, which I had never heard of. They were a girl band and did a pretty good job. I managed to get a drum stick from the drummer after their set. My girlfriend was excited for Breaking Benjamin to come on next as that was the band she wanted to see over any of the others. When they hit the stage they started with Dairy of Jane which is usually the song they close with. They did a nice job of mixing things up and still playing all their greatest hits. The singer had said he was sick but was determined to go on with the show. At one point when he came in front of the stage to sing to all the fans on the rail he ended up coughing right in the face of a girl that was standing next to my girlfriend. He also touched everyone’s hand after that as he walked back to the stage. I wonder how many people called in sick the next day? Needless to say he still did an amazing job and they put on a great set. We managed to get a few pick and one of them was handed directly to my girlfriend from the singer. Before Korn came on I ended up going outside to smoke, do a 420 clip and get back to my spot. Just then my girlfriend tells me she has to pee and won’t make it until the end. I told her we have to go now or we risk not getting back to our spots. We raced out and trying to make our way back of course, there were a lot of people who didn’t want to let us through. The crowd was packed in but we managed to get close to our original spot where one of the guys who again was with us from the beginning, reached out to pull us back up on the rail. Of course once Korn came out the crowd went crazy! I may have mentioned before that Korn is probably the band I have seen more than any other, and there is a reason for that! They never disappoint! They played so many good songs and with so many songs to choose from I would say they did a great job creating the set list. We didn’t get any picks from them since they only seemed to be throwing them out to the people on the sides of the people in front. Doesn’t matter the last time I saw them I managed to get several picks and was just glad to be up front for another one of their shows. After the concert we headed back to the hotel to get a good night sleep and prepare for our trip home, which went well. No tickets, no car troubles and no weather issues! When we got back they announced that Korn is coming to Denver with Faith No More, so we might be seeing them twice this year like I did last year! We shall see!
Be sure to check out videos from this show and others on my YouTube channel!
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