When they announced Beartooth was coming to Denver, I wanted to go but at the time when tickets went on sale, I didn’t buy any. Mostly because I have some other shows/trips I’m trying to save up for. So, I wasn’t really planning on going until I heard the radio station was giving tickets away. I thought if I could win some tickets then I would go. All week the radio station was giving tickets away and I ended up winning a pair of tickets. Not only did I win a pair but so did Jess, so we decided to invite both of my kids. At first, they were both in but the day of the show my son decided he wasn’t going to go. Not wanting the ticket to go to waste we offered it to one of our friends who was more than happy to take the extra ticket.
The day of the show, we got to the venue about 3:15ish and there was already a good-sized line. I wasn’t surprised as I knew it was a sold-out show. I knew it was also going to be hard to gain a spot on the rail with VIP who had early entrance and there was good amount of people who looked like they bought the express line pass which also gave them entrance before us. They only got in a few minutes before us, but I figured we would get as good of a spot as we could and be happy that we got to go and on the free! When they opened the doors, and we made our way into the venue we all split up. Me and the friend I invited went and got our spots and Jess and Lexi went to get merch and drinks. We saw someone we knew who was part of the VIP so we went and stood by him. At this point we were probably 4 people deep from the rail, so we had a pretty good spot and view. Once we had our spot secured my friend went to get some drinks. When everyone got back, we stood there for maybe 30 mins before the first band hit the stage.
The first band was called Sleep theory, and they came out with a lot of energy. I had never heard of them before but while they were playing the place was pretty packed in and a lot of people around us were singing and dancing along. With the energy they had and the energy the crowd was giving back to them it felt like the night was off to a good start. I enjoyed them enough that I would say I would like to see them again. Maybe not as a headliner but as another opening act, they set the tone of the night. I will also say that the singer of this band ended up coming out during Beartooth’s set and crowd surfer. It was kind of cool to see the singer from that band rocking out to Beartooth just like the rest of us. During their set even though it was high energy I don’t think there were any crowd surfers up to that point. That all changed when the next band hit the stage. I did also manage to get a pick from the guitarist, he threw it over my head, but I caught it between my ring and middle finger.
Invent Animate was the next band to come out. Another band I had never heard of before that night. They had some good energy as well. I only watched them for maybe 3 songs then I left to run to the restroom and get another drink with my friend who was with us. At this point the place was really starting to pack in we walked through a crowd of people until we got to the step coming off the floor on the right side. It usually packs in that full but not usually that much during the opening bands. I guess when we left the crowd where we were standing got crazier according to Jess and Lexi. They said as soon as we left people started crowd surfing and there was a lot of them. They said they were fighting to hold our spots. I didn’t see any of that since we didn’t get back to our spots until after their set was over. Based on that though I would say that band kept the high energy going. The other thing I will mention is people around us were saying they were good but that they reminded them of a rock version of a boy band, mostly because they all seemed to have similar outfits on.
The Plot in You was the next band up. And as soon as they hit the stage the place went crazy. The crowd around us had so much energy, people were moshing and there were nonstop crowd surfers. We happened to be in a spot where we were getting a lot of them coming over us. It was so crazy I wasn’t able to take any pictures or videos during their set because I was trying to manage the crowd around us and the crowd surfers. There were a lot of people at this point that started bailing and having security pull them out over the rail which meant there was room for us to move up. I managed to get Jess and Lexi on the rail and I was right behind them. I was also trying to get my sunglasses put away in their case because I didn’t want them to break or get lost. That was quite a challenge to be honest. As far as the band themselves. I honestly don’t remember much of their set other than dealing with the crowd. Don’t get me wrong, I had a blast the entire time but it took a little away from me seeing the show. I will also say that before their set was over, I managed to get myself on the rail next to Jess.
At this point as we were waiting for Beartooth to come out the place was really packed and there was no chance of leaving our spots which was fine. The minute they hit the stage the place went crazy again! The crowd was singing, dancing, moshing, crowd surfing. It was nonstop through their entire set. At one point I looked at my wrist and noticed my Guns N Roses bracelet wasn’t there. I knew I had to have lost it dealing with the crowd surfers. I told Jess at the end of the show we needed to look around us to see if we could find it. At that moment she points just over the rail where it was laying. Thankfully security handed it back to me when I pointed it out. I wasn’t the only person who lost jewelry. The guy next to me said he lost a ring worth a few hundred, Jess lost one of her bracelets and Lexi lost a ring as well. Everyone but Jess was lucky enough to find our missing jewelry. I felt bad she was pretty sad and I don’t blame her. Beartooth did a great job entertaining us. It was my first time seeing them live and after this show I would certainly go see them again. The singer was very engaging. At one point he did a couple acoustic songs from behind the crowd. The set list they played was great. I knew every song, of course I had been listening to the set list a few weeks leading up to the show. At the end of the show, I managed to get the guitar pick from the singer, Lexi got a drum stick. All and all we all had a great time!
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