I’ve seen Avenged Sevenfold back in 2018 when they opened for Metallica and I knew I was going to see them again this year at the Aftershock festival. So, when they announced they were coming to Denver I wasn’t sure I was going to go to the Denver show. Then the local radio station was giving away tickets and I thought if I won them, I would go, which I did! So, we decided to go. Since they were tickets I won which were seats not pit, we headed up to the venue later in the day. We got there around 6:30 which was an hour after doors. Instead of going right in we hung out in the car where I smoked a bowl and Jess and I had a couple of shooters. We finally went into the venue around 7:30. At this point there were no lines and we walked right in. After grabbing a couple of drinks, we started making our way to our seats. We were in the 300 level in row 13 so pretty close to the top of the venue’s seating. Once we got into the 300 section there were a lot of open seats in the first couple of rows, so we just took one of those seats. We actually had a really good view.
I think we sat there for maybe 5 minutes before Kim Dracula came out on stage. The only song I know by him is the one they play on the radio and I don’t even know the name of it. It is the song he does with Johnathan Davis from Korn. It’s an ok song but not great in my opinion. So I honestly didn’t have high expectation of his set. Boy was I wrong. He came out playing some songs I had never heard before but were very catchy. They had a nice heavy sound to them. And his vocals, talk about a wide range. He can hit some high as well as some low notes. Though I didn’t like all his songs I thought most of them were pretty good. In fact, there are a couple of his song I want to research and add them to my apple music. Aside from their sound, they had a lot of energy and really had the crowd jumping around at least down on the floor. This was a band I would consider going to see again if they played at a small venue and ticket prices weren’t too high.
Though they did a good job, everyone there was hyped for Avenged! That is except for the people in our area, most of them sat down the entire time. Not Jess and I, we stood up as soon as they came out and never sat back down. The first song they played I wasn’t familiar with but almost every song after that I knew and pretty much all of them were hits! The singer did a great job of engaging. He talked about how the elevation was hard for him since he and his band are all from California which is at sea level. He talked about all the people getting high, he even talked about people we have all lost and he referred to the Rev their drummer who passed away many years ago. I think he did a great job of connecting with the people as well as jamming out and keeping everyone hyped up. Jess and I left just before the encore. After looking at their set list we didn’t know the last 3 songs. Since we had a long drive back, and Jess having to work early the next day we didn’t mind leaving a little early. Not to mention that we are going to see them again literally in one week. Which I can’t wait for! I look forward to seeing them and all the other bands playing Aftershock.
Oh by the way check out the sunset picture I got when we got into Denver and the full moon over downtown Denver.
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