I had just recently saw Halestorm when they played at the state fair and I think I saw Godsmack last year or the year before. However Godsmack is one of those bands that any time you get a chance to see them you should go! I had bought tickets when they went on sale but was disappointed that they were seats and not GA. The good news was I was able to get seats in section AAA row 17 which weren’t bad. The concert was back up in Loveland and since I and my girlfriend are still having car issues, we had to rent another car. To my shock the price had doubled from the weekend rate, but it was what it was and we were going to make it to the show one way or another. As always we headed out early even though we had seats because we wanted to avoid driving through Denver during rush hour traffic. When we got to the car rental place the guy was out gassing up cars so we had to wait for him. That gave me time to sit in my car and smoke a bowl. Once he got back and we got the rental and we were off! Since we were a little behind schedule we did hit some traffic coming through Denver but we seemed to get through it fairly quickly. Once we got to Loveland we stopped off to grab a bite to eat and as we were looking for someplace we saw a huge LOVE sign. I knew that after we ate I wanted to go back to that sign and get a 420 clip which I did. The big sign was cool it seemed like you could either buy a lock or use your own and people were locking them to the back of the sign. Some of the locks were couples and some were dedications to lost ones. One of the locks I happened to see was one that someone put up for a kid that was killed by his dad a few years ago. I remembered the name since it was all over the news for so long. After we got to the venue we were still about an hour early from the show so I sat in the parking lot next to the rental car and smoked a bowl. As I was sitting there another car pulled up and they were doing the same thing. It was a couple of guys and once they saw me smoking they got out and started talking to me. One dude rolled a joint while the other lite one up that he already had. They ended up smoking both joints with me and I found out they were also from Pueblo. They had won tickets to the show from the local radio station which was cool. After we were done we got all our stuff together and headed in. We quickly found our seats and as luck would have it we ended up sitting pretty close to some friends we have made from going to these shows. It was a mom and son couple that I remember meeting at the beginning of the year after the Disturbed show. I tend to see them at a lot of these shows. After catching up we sat in our seats while we waited for the opening band to come out. As we sat there we witnessed a couple behind us arguing to the point that the girl was screaming at the guy. Clearly they had way too much to drink and the show hadn’t even started. I wondered what the night was going to have in store for them as it continued. I think they ended up leaving early since I don’t remember seeing them after the opening band played. The opening band was Monster Truck which I had never heard of and didn’t plan to record any of their set, however after their first song I thought they sounded good and decided to record a few songs. Sadly the first song they played in my opinion was the best one. We ended up heading outside to smoke before they finished their set. As we were sitting outside, there were some people smoking weed. Before I could break out my pipe a cop walked up to the couple that was smoking and threatened to kick them out if they continued. He said that it wasn’t ok to be smoking pot since there were kids around. As the cop was saying that I thought to myself we are in a smoking section, there should be no kids here! After he walked away several people started making fun of the cop which I’m sure he heard. He began pacing around trying to catch someone, which I never saw him do while I was there especially after the first people he warned. We did sneak in a little booze so while we were out there we took a few shots of Fireball then headed back to our seats. There was only a 15 minute break then Halestorm hit the stage. This was my 3rd time seeing them, the most recent at the state fair here in Colorado back in September. I was expecting a good set and they delivered! My girlfriend thought they did a better job at this show than they did in Pueblo and I tend to agree with that. Not that the show in Pueblo was bad but they seemed a little more hyped up in Loveland. They of course didn’t play as many songs but they played a lot of their top songs! They even fit in a drum and bass solo which of course was amazing. Throughout their set we finished the little bottle of booze we brought in with us to catch a slight buzz and still have time to sober up enough to drive home. Since we weren’t worried about losing our our spot we headed back outside to smoke, and the cop was back at his pacing trying to catch people smoking weed. The area was much more packed than before so it wasn’t so easy for him to spot who was smoking especially since we were in a smoking section with almost everyone there smoking!! I decided to sneak in a 420 clip and managed to get the cop in the video as well! You can see that video up on my YouTube channel now! Once we got back to our seats I think we were both really pumped to see Godsmack! I think this was my 3rd or 4th time seeing them and it was her first time! When they came out they opened with a new song Legends Rise! The crowd went crazy and people started moving out of their seats and kind of crowding in the walk way. I thought about moving then but decided to wait. I figured by the time the last song came on I would make my way up to the front and try and get a pick. I was really hoping to get one from Godsmack since I have never got one from them before. The band did a super job. They played a lot of great songs and mixed in some new ones which I also really liked. When the band was ready to play their encore I moved from my seat to the isle and did a quick 420 clip while they started playing Rocky Mountain Way. Once I got that clip I grabbed my girlfriend and started moving us towards the front. We moved slowly through the crowd and I encountered a guy who was trying to block people from getting through. I exchanged a few words with him and eventually made my way past him. Once we got past him there was another guy who said he had seats in the 3rd row and that we could have them. He proceeded to push us through until we were right in front. He explained where his seats were but we decided to stay where we were since we were center stage with only 2 people in front of us. Once they finished up that song a few people moved around and I was able to get my girlfriend up on the rail. She stayed there for 1 song before they played their last song at which point we switched spots so I could get a 420 clip. I managed to get over 13 clips throughout that day and night with several during Godsmack’s set. I also managed to get not only 1 pick but 3, so I was excited I was able to get those! As we were leaving we passed the sound booth and there was a guy who was holding a set list. I asked if I could get a picture and he said they were giving them out. I walked up and asked if I could have one and the guy giving them away was on a power trip. I know I asked kind of abruptly, but in my experience you have to be quick if you want to get stuff like that. I stopped and asked again and this time said please, he told me that sounded sarcastic. I told him it wasn’t meant to be, he ended up handing me one but before he did he crumped it up!! I am actually glad he did that because it made it more authentic. But seriously talk about being angry or petty! However I was just glad I was able to get one. So far for big shows this was one of the top ones! Right up there with the Breaking Benjamin show! However we still have Tool and Guns N’ Roses coming up this month so we will see!
Be sure to check out videos from this show and others on my YouTube channel!
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