With Bruce Springsteen being one of my all-time favorite artists, when they announced this tour, I knew I wanted to go! Thankfully I was able to get tickets when they went on sale. I know his shows sold out quickly and resale tickets were going for $5,000. Though we ended up in the nosebleed section off the side of the stage at least we weren’t behind the stage and more importantly we only paid face value for our tickets.
The day of the show we left town around 4:30 which is a little later than usual, but we had seats and doors weren’t until 7:30 so we had plenty of time. On the way up to Denver we stopped in Springs and grabbed something to eat then we stopped off to fill up the car at Costco. That stop ended up being a little hard for me. The Costco we stopped at was next to the vet we had taken Franklin our dog of 11 years to just a couple of weeks earlier where and when we had to put him down. Being there brought back all those memories and emotions so the rest of the drive was a little hard. Thankfully I had Jess who helped me through some of that. With that in mind as soon as we got to Denver, I had a shooter. I ended up having 3 or 4 before we even got inside. Of course, once we got inside, I grabbed a beer. We ended up walking to the other side of the arena to grab that beer because we thought that’s where our seats were. As we were walking to get that beer, we heard Bruce hit the stage. I was a little shocked he didn’t have an opening act. Though not really because last year when we saw Roger Waters, he didn’t have an opening act, but he did take an intermission. Bruce didn’t do an intermission he played for over 3 hours straight. Anyway, as I was saying we walked to the other side of the arena only to find out our seats were where we first came up the escalator. Guess we should have read the signs closer, oh well! We ended up missing the first 2 songs though we could still hear while we were in line getting our drinks and while we walked back to the other side of the arena where our seats were. When we got to our seats we were literally in the last row. Despite being in the nose bleeds and off to the side of the stage we still had a good view of most of the stage. Since we were already in the last row, Jess and I ended up standing behind our seats in this open area where we weren’t so cramped with people on each side of us. This gave us room to dance and of course sing. It was also a good spot for me to take a few tokes and 420 clips.
Bruce put on a great set, and I thought sounded pretty good as well. For a man who is getting up there in age he wasn’t showing it that night! he had a lot of energy. He played so many good songs and closed out with an encore of like 6 of his top hits. Though I will say I was little disappointed he didn’t play a few songs like War or Born in the USA. Regardless Jess and I had a great time. It was a really good distraction from all the things I had been dealing with for the last couple of weeks with the loss of my dog and my aunt. This was my 3rd time seeing Bruce Springsteen and Jess’s first. I hope that we get a chance to see him at least one more time before he retires from touring.
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