This was another show I was really excited for! I had never seen Heart in concert and I can remember listening to them as a kid. My parents and even my aunts and uncles all listened to them when I was a kid. Not to mention Heart is a Seattle band and I have always supported bands from there since I spent many years growing up in Seattle. I went to the concert with my daughter who only knew 1 or 2 songs, sadly I didn’t expose her to enough of Heart growing up like my parents did. However I was excited to share the experience of seeing a band that I grew up listening to with her. Though we had seats we left early to head to Denver to spend time with my nephew who was just born earlier that week. We headed to the venue about half an hour before the doors opened as we figured no need to rush since we have seats. We got to the Pepsi Center pretty quick and just before I was about to pull into the parking lot to park, I realized I left my weed at my sister’s house. Knowing I wasn’t going to be back to her house for a few weeks and that I wanted my weed to try and get some 420 videos, I turned around. I got back to her house in less time then it took to get to the Pepsi Center, but on the way back to the venue there was more traffic than the first time, so it took alot longer to get back. After we parked and walked up to the building, there was still a line of people outside trying to get in. We got through the line pretty quickly though and found our seats right away. Within 2-3 minutes the first band came out, Elle King. I only know 1 of her songs since she really isn’t the style of music I typically listen to. Though I must say that she did a really good job of warming up the crowd. She of coursed played the 1 song I knew which was Ex’s and Oh’s. After her set we headed outside to have a smoke and to take a few tokes since the seats we had were literally right next to security. After we were done smoking we had to get in a huge line of people that were waiting to go through security again, this took about 5 minutes for us to get back through and inside. We made it back to our seats again with just minutes to spare before Joan Jett came out. I didn’t get a chance to listen to her set list before the show but I had looked at it and thought there were 2 maybe 3 songs that I might know. I was wrong there was probably over 5 of them I knew or had at least heard once. The energy from Joan Jett was much higher than Elle King and I was pumped for Heart to come out next. I knew most of the songs they played including all the cover songs they did which included “Stairway To Heaven”. I really enjoyed the music however the energy level just wasn’t the same as Joan Jett. Which was understandable since Heart’s music is a little softer than Joan Jett’s. I really enjoyed seeing them and hearing so many great songs including several of their older hits like Barracuda, Magic Man, and Dog & Butterfly. Overall I was pretty happy to see all the bands that played and had a great time with my daughter. I was also able to get one 420 clip during Hearts last song! On the way home just outside of Colorado Springs we blew a tire on the freeway, which was about 60 miles away from home. Having the tire blow was a bit ironic since the last time I blew a tire I was also coming back from a concert from Denver. Unfortunately that last time my jack ended up breaking, so I knew right away we were going to have to get ahold of someone to come and help. Luckily I got a hold of my dad who lives in Denver which was about 60 miles north of where we were. Since we were on the fast lane side of the freeway we were Leary to just sit in the car, so we grabbed some chairs and walked down into the medium which was huge so there was plenty of space for us to be away from both north and south bound traffic. It was a little chilly that night and neither of us were really prepared to be sitting outside in the cold for a couple of hours. However we made the most of it. As we sat there and watched the stars I broke out a bowl and did a 420 clip on the side of the freeway. You can check it out along with all the videos on my YouTube channel. Although we had to sit on the side of the freeway in the cold, the entire night was still fun, got to see some good music and spend time with my daughter!
Be sure to check out videos from this show and others on my YouTube channel!
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