Well I bought these tickets mostly because they were playing the State Fair here in Pueblo. I live 5 minutes away from the venue and tickets were only $20. So I figured it was worth going. I got tickets for me, my girlfriend and my dad. We also had several friends who were planning on going so there was a pretty good sized group of us. I really didn’t know or remember many songs from 38 Special and I tried to listen to their set list once but didn’t really recognize any of their songs. Needless to say I was still pretty excited to see the show and spend the night with friends and family. Since my dad was coming from Denver he met us at the show. He was running late so we ended up meeting with him after we got inside. Before we got in though, as we walked up to the doors there was a huge line. I hadn’t expected to see so many people there early for this show. Luckily again, we had some friends who were pretty much in the front of the line. So we were able to get in line with them. Once we got in there were seats all over the floor, so it looked like it was a seated event and not a standing one. We quickly moved and grabbed some seats in the 2nd row since the 1st row was VIP only. Wewere pretty much right in the center. As we sat there maybe 5 minutes went by, and I began to question whether we had to just sit there. So I left my seat to go talk to security to see if we could stand on the rail in front of the stage instead. The first couple of people I asked told me they didn’t know. So I continued to ask everyone that I could and finally got told by one person that they thought yes, we could stand if we wanted to. I wasn’t real confident that the person telling me this really knew anything, so I told our group to have a few people hold some seats and some of us went and held spots on the rail in front of the stage. We were the first people to stand against the rail, but as people began to notice us, they started walking up asking if we were allowed to do that. After I said yes, more people started asking and more people started standing next to and behind us. We decided to give up our seats and have the rest of the group join us on the rail. Knowing we still had to try and hold a spot for my dad who was still on his way. The first band that played was a local band called Overton Road. They were a country band and certainly not the type of music I ever listen to. They were entertaining however and threw a lot of merch out into the crowd. One of the people in our group got a shirt, another got a drum stick and I got a flag. They did a cover of Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “Saturday Night Special” which was pretty good, I recorded it and threw it up on my YouTube channel. This was the only song I recorded from them since I didn’t think most of my viewers would want to see the footage of them. After their set was over the crowd started to fill in a lot more and people started pushing a little, which I was surprised to see at a 38 Special show. However it’s kind of funny because one of the people who was there that night in our group was jokingly talking to me the other night about moshing at the 38 Special show! The guy next to me had the nerve to try and push my foot with his, and I had to tell him not to do that. Then these girls behind us tried pushing through all of us to get up on the rail. 2 of the girls that were in our group had to tell them to stop as well! I figure if the crowd was this crazy before the band came out, what were they going to be like when they actually did come out! I was hoping that my dad would get there before 38 Special started, since he already missed the first band and I knew the crowd was going to give us trouble trying to move him up with us after the band started. Luckily he did and we were able to get him right next to us right on the rail. Once the band hit the stage it was kind of weird, it was like the whole crowd around us just chilled out and stopped pushing and even backed up some. This was good and allowed everyone to enjoy the show without any further drama. 38 Special played a long set which included 18 or 19 songs including a drum solo and medley of mixed hits. I was again surprised at how many songs I did know, I think 3 or 4 which is more than I thought. The band was real entertaining. They threw out several picks which I managed to get like 9 of them, however to get a few of them I had to jump the barrier at the end of the show to grab all the picks that didn’t make it out into the audience. I had done that once earlier in the night to grab a beach ball. They had said, if you had one to hold it, it could be a winner at the end of the show. Sadly at the end of the show we didn’t find the booth to take it to see if we were winners or not. However the show itself was great, I had a good time and glad we all got to go and spend time together.
Be sure to check out videos from this show and others on my YouTube channel!
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