This was an unexpected show I didn’t plan on attending until Jess won tickets off the radio station. I have seen 10 Years a couple of times and each time I see them, I enjoy them more and more each time. Leading up to this show I was pretty excited since I knew more songs and it was going to be a small venue. The day of the show we got there just after 3 and there was already a line of maybe 6 or 8 people. 2 of them I knew, they were friends of ours and one of them had brought his mom. Everyone there was VIP except Me, Jess and my friend’s mom. Shortly after getting there maybe another 20 people showed up for the VIP experience. At that point I was thinking we were going to have a challenge getting on the rail/stage. We hung out for maybe 30 minutes when the VIP guy came out and grabbed all the VIPs. he told security he was still expecting another 6 people and we said we will take their spots, kind of joking around. He said he would check and get back to us. A few minutes later he came out and gave us all VIP passes and let us in.
For the VIP experience we got to hear them play 3 or 4 songs then we got to take pictures with the band. While Jess and I were taking our pictures I asked if I could get a shirt at the merch booth and have them sign it, which they were more than happy to agree to. After we took our pictures our friend’s mom wanted to do a group picture for her which included all of us. When we were done I got a couple of shirts and went back to have the band sign and Jess got her laminate signed. The band was so chill and cool they spent a lot of time with each person or couple they took pictures with. They were really nice and friendly which was cool. We didn’t get the signed poster that the VIP’s were supposed to get because their bus had broken down and they didn’t have all their stuff including some of their instruments which they borrowed from the opening band. Once the VIP experience was over we went back outside and got back in line. At this point I managed to be first in line. The group of us knew another person in line who said they would hold our spots while we went and had a drink next door, which we did.
When they opened doors as I said Jess and I were first in and managed to get the spot we wanted which happened to work out good for our friends because they also got where they wanted to be. Once we had our spots we took turns going to the bathroom and getting drinks. We waited maybe 30 minutes before the first band came out. They were called In The Whale. I had never heard of them before. They were a 2 person band with drums and a guitar. The drummer was pretty good and they both had a lot of energy and got the crowd pumped up. At the end of their set I got a guitar pick and the set list.
When 10 years hit the stage the place was ready. This was a sold out show and you could tell people were excited. The band did a great job of keeping that energy up. They played several hits including their newest radio song Rise. Everyone in that place was signing along with most of the songs. At the end of the show the singer bent down while I was taking a selfie and singing to sing along with me. Throughout the show he was also engaging with the crowd. I have to say this was probably the best 10 Years show I got to see. At the end of the show I managed to get their set list as well as some guitar picks. Jess also got one plus the one I got during the VIP part, I ended up with a lot. As we were leaving I saw the band outside and I asked security if I could ask them to sign my set list. He was hesitant at first but let me through. I not only got them to sign my set list, my friend got his ticket stubs signed and we got another group picture with the band.
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